This is offensive on so many levels! Fortunately Head Teacher Jan Charters has been put in her place with the exercise of some parent power and has had to backtrack.
I disapprove of the cruelty; the hypocrisy when compared to foxhunting; the anti-Christian bias; the pro-Muslim bias; the political correctness; the misuse of education; the simplistic thinking and a great deal more besides.
We had to set up a Christian School purely as a response to these sort of idiotic practices - oh, incidentally - a significant proportion of our youngsters are from Islamic backgrounds. If you wish not to offend - the best way is to show that you are not totally wet. That earns respect!
A number of our pupils come from the catchment area of Oakwood!
Is it not a scandal that our parents have had to set up a school and have to PAY to educate their children [after already having paid their taxes] as they are so desperate to remove them from the multiple problems evidenced in current state education?