Accidentally wandered into the heart of the action in downtown Bangkok yesterday. (It's a long story.)
Troops; razor wire; police; riot shields; redshirts; barricades. All was quiet except for the bit which I have not seen reported anywhere - the fact that as far as we could see, the pro-government demonstrators outnumbered the redshirts - and were noisier. Why unreported? (Apologies for the quality of that photo but do notice the wording in English (?) on the banner.)
Troops; razor wire; police; riot shields; redshirts; barricades. All was quiet except for the bit which I have not seen reported anywhere - the fact that as far as we could see, the pro-government demonstrators outnumbered the redshirts - and were noisier. Why unreported? (Apologies for the quality of that photo but do notice the wording in English (?) on the banner.)
My wife clearly knows how to 'get revolutionaries onside.'