Friday, April 30, 2010

Why the 'sacred cow'?

'Women are more likely to die early in Britain than in virtually every other western European country. Even women in Slovenia and Albania – once part of the communist bloc – are likely to live longer.'
The Lancet.

And still the ridiculous myth persists that our NHS is something wonderful; akin to miraculous even.
I recently spotted the fact that even the USA's 37 million without health insurance have better cancer survival rates than in the UK!
Whenever the WHO publishes lists of varying health care systems around the world, the UK struggles to get into the top 3o.
Which country comes top? - La France, naturellement.
This is one sacred cow that must stop being afforded automatic protection.
Cuts in the NHS? - Yes, please. Let the axe fall on the compilers of statistics, the paper pushers and the overpaid bureaucrats.
Take all the billions of savings and redirect them into PATIENT CARE - and preferably bottom funded.
