Thursday, April 29, 2010

A touch of the trots.

Anybody who has studied extreme marxists and trotskyites will be aware that when they fomented civil unrest in any nation, it was to create an uncertain environment in which they might have an opportunity to seize power.
Outsiders always supposed that in the toppling of a rightist government, they would be happy to see a left of centre party installed instead.
NOT SO! It had to be of their particular brand of marxism.
To them, any non marxist government was anathema. It was in the creation of chaos where they saw possibilities.

Different in all political terms but similar structurally is our present governmental situation.
It may be assumed that somebody like me who is a non-tory, single notch to the right of centre would want a tory government if I cannot get a UKIP one.

This is not the case. There isn't 'a cigarette paper's thickness in difference between the three largest parties' (To quote Nigel Farage).
The LibLabCon all sing from the same hymn sheet; a plague on all their houses.
I simply do not want a reshuffle of personalities and a collection of basically the same policies for the next five years.
All I want is any situation which takes us away from the liberal left and hard left of the Greens - NOT including BNP as an alternative, thanks.

Considering The Damage To Our Nation Caused By Sky-High Migration, It Must Now Drop To Near Zero. We Are Already The Most Overcrowded Major Nation In The Western World!

Angela Rayner 'will clear area of Green Belt the size of SURREY' for building by designating it as 'grey belt' rather than c...