Friday, April 23, 2010

If polls are correct ....

.... then the voters of the UK are total idiots. They will happily vote for precisely what they do not want.
No party is further from public opinion than The Liberal Democrats.
Weak on:
Illegal immigration (Very weak)
Reduction of the 'nanny state'
European Union
Reduction of the size of the state.
Strong on:
Political Correctness
Ill-conceived green policies
High taxation (Read the small print.)
In fairness:
They do support electoral reform in the shape of PR - but which type? - The genuinely representative or the kinds that exclude smaller parties?
So if these are the policies you really want - then by all means VOTE LIB DEM!
On the local level, Lib Dems often do a good job. It is the national policies which I fear. Largely the same as Labour - but more so!
If this little lot horrifies you and you still plan to vote Lib Dem - then READ THE TEE SHIRT!

Considering The Damage To Our Nation Caused By Sky-High Migration, It Must Now Drop To Near Zero. We Are Already The Most Overcrowded Major Nation In The Western World!

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