Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The stitch up!

The Great Debates - or 'yawns' as thinking people would call them - are just one more con being perpetrated on the British electorate by our we-have-it-all-sewn-up politicians.

Tragically, the voters are falling right into the trap. Here is the key:

Ask not what is said but what is not!

The battleground is predetermined by the LibLabCon. All issues debated fall within the narrow parameters of liberal left thinking and importantly, never stretch beyond these.

So. If the European Union is debated, it will be in extremely general terms about our 'relationship' with that body. It will never talk 'the hard talk' about fraud, loss of sovereignty, repatriating powers, referenda and incredible amounts of money being wasted.
It will certainly not address the basic issue which interests so many - WITHDRAWAL.

On Crime & Punishment, naturally enough - general terms again: waffle which hovers around the all failing policies. Who will break ranks and say, for example, "Three strikes and you are out?"

The trouble is that even if they did that, the policy would never be implemented but would follow the modest and tedious ASBO route into oblivion to allow tough talking with a blancmange fist in a faux velvet glove.

AS with these two areas - the same with all others!
