Thursday, April 15, 2010


We have had at least eleven guides during this trip and apart from the excellent but nonetheless, heavily-accented English, they have all had one thing in common.
All have been unable to disguise the burning love that they possess for their individual countries.

Come to England however and welcome to the depressing catalogue of:

"Patriotism is just the same as nationalism and Hitler was a nationalist!"

"We are all part of something bigger than mere nationhood."

"Patriotism is the slippery slope."

"Patriotism - what a good substitute for thinking."

"Patriotism? Oh. My country right or wrong, eh?"

And on top of this, we have all those who triumphantly state, "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel" being too dimwitted to recognise that the quote is no criticism of the concept of patriotism at all - but refers to how scoundrels will pretend to be patriotic.

Such are our liberal left. They have made us feel guilty. They celebrate Welshness, Irishness and Scottishness and call Englisness 'racism'. They may occaionally concede that 'British' is marginally less awful than English.
These same hypocrites would almost have wet themselves and would have purred with delight to note the attitudes of our guides.
Let us not forget that for around a 120 years now, the incredibly influential Fabian Society has weaved its sinister magic in trying to gradually destroy the nation state altogether.

Support for the EU from the liberal left is no accident!
