Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sandra Parsons speaks wisely about welfare and work.

Oh dear, oh dear!

As a former Magistrate and Chairman and also member of the old Sheffield Probation Liaison Committee, I am horrified at Ken Clarke and the tory betrayal of the already under-protected people of this country. (UKIP had warned us, of course!)
"Fewer criminals to go to prison" shrieks the headline.
This is a disaster. There is precious little alternative to be found in so-called community punishments. Our over-stretched - nay, swamped - Probation Service simply cannot offer sufficient attention to the individuals they are supervising now. Meetings with offenders just once a fortnight or less is an exercise in futility.
I spoke to one senior probation officer several years ago who confided to me that more than 50% of work orders are breached and from my own visits, I was never fully satisfied that these were all sufficiently rigorous in any case.
There is only one way that Mr Clarke's money-saving scheme could be implemented - and work - but sadly, it would inevitably backfire as courage to see it through would fail.
ALL wanton breaches must result in immediate custody. You can easily spend an entire morning in a court dedicated to breaches and not see a single waster sent down!
Magistrate guidelines are already designed to prevent custody.
In those countries where alternatives are used successfully, there is an element of both fear and certainty in the offender that breaches will not be tolerated.
Consequently, with a proper system, Mr Clarke would be horrified to see prisoner numbers shoot up initially but in the longer term, it is the only way community punishments will or can work. The big rise in prison numbers would only be temporary.
Always remember that community punishments without teeth will only ever work with that minority who genuinely want to change and rebuild their lives. As for the rest ...

Wisdom's sister.

Proverbs 7:4.

Say to wisdom, "You are my sister," and call understanding your kinsman .....

It's only a matter of time.

Junk science being what it is, this opening to a spoof article in Newsbiscuit is too near the mark.
Surely, it is only a matter of time!

'Health experts in California warned today that breathing can have a harmful effect on health, far outweighing the positive benefits of providing oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.
‘With each breath, the average human inhales millions of random microbes from the air,’ said Dr. Alvin J. Flywell III. ‘Any of these can pose major health threats, from low level cold and influenza, to more serious viral conditions.’

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hillsborough disaster.

'Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt was forced into an embarrassing apology last night after he suggested that hooliganism was responsible for the Hillsborough disaster.'
How dare he take on the established 'wisdom' of the politically correct establishment? Does he not know that a 'redwash' enquiry had already determined that Liverpool fans must not be blamed and all brickbats should instead be aimed at one senior police officer who was forced into making an impossible decision?

Mole-in-the-know has spoken to Sheffield people who lived on the same route used by the feral Liverpool fans who caused this tragedy and can attest to the truth that drunken, ticketless, scouse louts were the prime cause.

If Jeremy Hunt is to have the kind of career predicted by the press, then he must learn to be much more cautious with using truth in future.

Ne'er forget the uproar when The Sun wantonly revealed what had really occurred!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Oh dear, Vince.

Asked if he was embarrassed by his party's election posters, Mr Cable responded: 'We were trying to score a point against the Conservatives, if you like. Okay, well that was in the election. We have now moved past the election.'

Not as honest as we thought, our Mr Cable, is he?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Peter Hitchens' view on Vince Cable.

'That’s why the Tories put him, not one of their own, on TV to defend the Budget.
They wanted to make sure he was irreversibly committed.
They know that, at some point in the next four years, the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Party will split, and they want to make it impossible for Vince to be one of the defectors.
Then they can move on to the next stage – the creation of the Liberal Conservative Party which David Cameron dreams of.' [Mail.]

Sorry Pete, you are wrong. ' .....the Liberal Conservative Party which David Cameron now runs!' Yes. That makes it work.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Somali compassion.

'A Christian teenager in Somalia is reportedly being abused and held prisoner in her own home after she refused her parents' demands that she return to Islam.
The Muslim parents of 17-year-old Nurta Mohamed Farah are said to leave her 'shackled to a tree' during the day and imprisoned in a small, dark room at night – in a bid to make her renounce her faith. For more than a month now, Nurta has resolutely refused.
The family, who live in Bardher in the Gedo region of southern Somalia, tried initially to 'cure' their daughter by beating her and giving her medication a doctor had prescribed for 'mental illness'. Nurta has reportedly become 'very sick' as a result.
Nurta's family are said to recite long passages from the Koran to her twice a week in the belief that Islam's holy book can cure mental illness.'

Compass Direct news agency reports.

'Pulling a sickie'? - "Nobody would do that!"

A nice evening out with the promise of a good read at the end!

Open Europe

Invites you to a book launch and talk:

From euroscepticism to eurorealism

with Derk-Jan Eppink, MEP

Wednesday 30 June, 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Room 1, House of Lords, SW1A 2PW

During the talk, Derk-Jan Eppink will present and discuss his new book Bonfire of Bureaucracy in Europe.

Derk-Jan Eppink is a Dutch journalist turned Belgian politician, currently serving as an MEP for the List Dedecker party - a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group. Derk-Jan has previously worked as Cabinet Secretary for European Commissioners Frits Bolkestein (1999-2004) and Siim Kallas (2004-2007). In 2007 Eppink published Life of a European Mandarin, which provided a glimpse into life at the European Commission.

In Derk-Jan's new book, Bonfire of Bureaucracy in Europe, he describes how the EU's obsessive focus on "ever closer union", neglecting its core tasks such as the single market, has led to the debt crisis which is now engulfing the continent and tempting its leaders to consider taxes at the EU level.

Not much I can say, really.

An abortion can triple a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer in later life, researchers say.
The findings, published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, are the latest research to show a link between abortion and breast cancer.
The research was carried out by scientists at the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka.

Read more:

Friday, June 25, 2010

No pain?

'The human foetus cannot feel pain before 24 weeks, according to an official review of scientific evidence, contradicting one argument that anti-abortion campaigners have used for reducing the termination limit.'
Royal College of Obstetricians.

Mr Malice.

An atheist lord mayor has ended the tradition of Christian prayers before council meetings less than a month after he took up the chains of office.
Labour councillor Colin Hall was condemned by the local diocese as well as Christian groups after boasting of his 'delight' at being able to end the tradition as mayor of his home city.
Announcing the decision in a secularist group's monthly newsletter, Mr Hall said prayers were 'outdated, unnecessary and intrusive' and added they would no longer be said before meetings at Leicester Town Hall.


My first exposure to a news story usually comes on Ceefax News.
Every time I see the all too regular headline 'Soldier dies in Afghanistan' it tears my guts apart - and at the moment this is an all too regular feature of my life.
Enough is enough. QUIT now! Cut our losses.We cannot win!

Thanks, Labour!

'Charities and voluntary groups have spent £350 million carrying out criminal records checks on their helpers, it was revealed yesterday.'
What a farce this has turned into! A massive proportion of these monies has been taken because stupidly, CRB checks have not been transferable from one group to another - and that's just the starting point.
I hate bureaucracy - and even more its need to multiply its influence at the drop of every hat!

Read more:

Half price?

Strawberries currently half price?
Half of precisely what?
Who are they all kidding?
What precisely is the cost of a punnet of strawberries to be halved?
They must think us all a bit stoopid!
Trouble is - it clearly works.
I asked somebody VERY slowly who seemed impressed with the half price bargain:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A comprehensive disaster!

Who would have thought it? Grammar Schooling better than Comprehensive? It just cannot be!
If that were true, it would mean that the liberal-left have been wantonly leading us up an egalitarian garden path for 45 years!

'Prof Smithers and Dr Pamela Robinson analysed scores in separate science tests taken by 15-year-olds in developed nations in 2006. They compared results from 10 countries exercising academic selection at some point during secondary education with results from 18 non-selective nations.
Selective countries, including Austria, Germany, Japan, Korea and the Netherlands, gained consistently higher scores in physics, biology and a scientific literacy test, it was disclosed.
Nations with non-selective systems, included Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and France, fared worse across the board.'

Basic common sense - a rare commodity on the left - dictates that lumping all abilities in together is doomed to fail!


The Lord authorised Jeremiah to fulfil the ministry he had been given:
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart .....

When we ponder these words - perhaps it gives us a brand new perspective - or at the very least, a reminder that God is in charge of us; always has been, always will be. Little wonder that so many Christians oppose abortion, is there?
Picture is Michelangelo's Jeremiah.

Labour must shoulder ALL the blame!

If, through no fault of your own, your spouse is a spendthrift and a wastrel - I can feel sorry for you and yours BUT you will carry the can. Without any doubt this will carry longterm effects onto you and your family - your lifestyles will take a hammering.
The country is in that position at the moment. Fourteen years of Labour 'financial management' has brought us to that point.

Even the fact that the bankers have brought us tremendous troubles must be laid squarely at Labour's door: WHAT RATIONAL BEING WOULD UNLEASH AN ALSATIAN IN A FIELD OF SHEEP?

Yet incredibly, wherever I look, Labourites are bleating about the methods others are having to employ in order to clear up their mess.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Economic illiterates.

I listened yesterday to Radio Humberside talking to various people pre-budget.
Predictably enough,the lefties wanted 'to hammer the rich'.
If it stood the least prospect of working - then maybe. But it never has and never can! Like it or not, the rich are mostly tax volunteers!
Predictably, a trade unionist - from UNITE, I think - wanted to extend jobs in the public sector. It is almost beyond belief that anybody could possibly be that stupid! It is just like covering gambling losses by betting even greater sums!
The point is that the money to do this has to come from the PRIVATE sector - areas of wealth creation. Taxes raised from public sector workers create a broken circle where the ends can never meet!

UKIP GenSec video hammers the budget with common sense!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pray for this very sad man!

Richard Dawkins, the prominent atheist, is (one of several) calling on the new Government to make teaching of the evolutionary theory a compulsory part of the curriculum.
They say it is necessary because of the increasing number of schools that do not have to follow the curriculum, and because of the “threat” posed by the religious concept of

Hmm. I wonder if it is not so much that as the fact that this house of cards which known as the evolutionary hypothesis, is crumbling away in almost every scientific discipline.


Normally she hates hypocrisy....

...... but in her own case, like so many typical lefties, she is prepared to make an exception!

'Diane Abbott was criticised yesterday after playing the race card over her controversial decision to send her son to a top private school.
The Labour leadership contender defended sending her son James to a £10,000-a-year school claiming: 'West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.'
Miss Abbott also risked fury among her white colleagues in the Labour Party by saying they would 'never understand' the Afro-Caribbean culture of parents wanting to do the best for their children.
The remarks brought accusations that she was being hypocritical and was insulting parents who are part of the mainstream education system.
Miss Abbott, a Left-winger who once attacked Tony Blair and Harriet Harman for sending their children to selective state schools, has come under fire repeatedly from Labour colleagues and activists for the decision she made over her son.'

Hot air?

'Owners of wind farms will be paid to switch off their turbines and stop generating electricity if it gets too windy.
National Grid says the payments are essential to prevent the supply of electricity from overloading the network.'

These are the same windfarms which sell their electricity to the National Grid at four times the going rate?
These are the same windfarms currently working at best, at 27% average capacity?

Read more:

Monday, June 21, 2010

More evolutionist guesswork.

'Rotten eggs are off-putting at the best of times - and now scientists believe the same chemical that causes the awful smell may have held back the evolution of life.
Oceans polluted by hydrogen sulphide could explain why it took so long for life to develop on Earth.'

Oh dear!



Anybody trying to make political capital out of the odious behaviour of Mr Huhne, the well known Lib Dem, would be well advised not to try.
Such nauseating matters are always bubbling widely below the surface.
Who knows? - The next time it might be somebody from a party you support!
Mel has a rather different take!

Andrew Murray.

Dat dood is now threatenin' to diss da Queen, mon.
His virulent anti-English stance has been well publicised in the past.

I hope he loses in the early rounds!


I am sometimes asked why I oppose the liberal left so strongly and whether I could point out a single reason why this is the case.
That question is rather easy.

Christianity is all about taking responsibility for your actions; philosophically, I am all about people taking responsibility for their actions; the liberal left are seemingly all about removing the responsibility for ones actions.
Liberal christianity is a branchline of similar hue.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

When will they ever learn?

When will the liberal left ever learn some practical economics? - The higher the taxation (PAYE excepted) the less revenue comes in!

'Plans to raise capital gains tax to 40 per cent in next week's Budget will cost the Treasury nearly £2.5billion in tax, a study claims today.
Free market think-tank the Adam Smith Institute warned that for every 1 per cent that Chancellor George Osborne puts up the rate, he will lose 2 per cent in revenue.
In a damning critique of the coalition's plans, their report warns ministers would need to axe 30,000 public sector jobs in order to pay for the resulting shortfall.'
The coalition has adopted a Liberal Democrat idea that the current CGT rate of 18 per cent is raised to match income tax rates of 40 or even 50 pence in the pound.

Airport Departure Levies?

It is rumoured that the budget will contain 'Airport Departure Levies' to push up the costs of flying. A so-called 'green' form of taxation - we can immediately see the influence of the potty Lib Dems in the ConDem Coalition.Whatever things make life bearable for the average citizen have got to be wrested from them by tax-greedy governments. Cars, a drink, a holiday - all these are to be taken beyond the reach of the poorer members of society.

Me? - I'll afford these things and grouse about the extra taxation. For many - it is a not so fond farewell to things which help them get through lives which are otherwise mind-numbing, overworked, underpaid and tedious to the nth degree.

It is just not fair. That the government needs to raise taxation is clear - or is it? Why are the 'sacred cow' quangos not being tackled; why do we remain in the EU? Why is bureaucracy not extirpated from the system?

Post budget. Phew. Common sense prevailed!

Friday, June 18, 2010

UKIP:a fascinating history.

The execution was wrong but ...

The execution of Ronnie Gardener in Salt Lake City was an injustice - and I say this as one who is extremely strongly in favour of the death penalty.
Did he deserve execution? - Indubitably!
Would I personally have endorsed it? - Yes.
So then, what is my problem here?
- Well, the man had already served a quarter of a century in prison. The execution is wrong because it was not carried out 24 years ago. He has in effect had two major punishments and not one.
The Americans really must streamline their absurd appeals processes in capital cases.
Paradoxically, if this situation obtains or no death penalty at all - then I would be forced to opt - with some feelings of disquiet - for the Utah system, which still contains more justice than our wretched 'carte blanche to murder' policy!

Genesis 9:6 (New International Version) "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man."
(You will struggle long and in vain to overturn this teaching by reference to Christ's teachings in the New Testament.
Those verses used for that purpose by liberal christians are invariably decontextualised in order to force the point.)

Leaving 'the glass half empty' aside for once.

We have so much to complain about that sometimes we should stop and take stock of the positives.
Rejoice that there are:-

Honest people
Generous people
Gentle people
Sensible people
Caring people
Honourable people

Decent people
Practical people
People with a true overview of the world
People who understand what justice means
SAVED people
Praying people and
Loving people!

They still exist and it is easy to forget. Many of the above happily overlap!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gardener's Question Time.

Gardener's Question Time panellists are under attack from the loony fringe who believe that killing of vermin is wrong - even RATS! (Threats have even been issued to those broadcasting from some extremists.)

Andrew Tyler, the director of Animal Aid, an animal rights group said: "The whole premise of gardeners killing squirrels is hateful and bigoted. It's the worst kind of intolerance."

No it is NOT! They are an alien species; they have displaced the native reds; they destroy both eggs and young in tree-nesting birds and they do untold damage to woodland.
Can we please start 'to get real'?

Because it is not tame and it breathes - that does not mean that vermin equates to 'wildlife'.

I am utterly fed up with our anthropomorphised thinking about creatures which should be subjected to major culling. These include: corvidae, rats, house mice, cockroaches, foxes, woodpigeons and in some places, rabbits.

Sentimentality is bad for WILDLIFE and mankind and the environment.

- A LoonyTunesWatch coconut is hereby awarded to Mr Tyler!

Murder in South Africa: a comparison of past and present.

'This paper looks at a history of murder in South Africa. The official statistics in the New South Africa (since 1994) show that violent crime has had the greatest increase of all crime categories. Murder is a sub-category of "violent crime". The official state statistics claim that while, since 1994, all sub-categories of "violent crime" are on the increase, murder is the only sub-category on the decrease. However, these statistics are contested, for example, Interpol have South African murder statistics that are roughly double the official South African state statistics, while the South African Medical Research Council claim there are roughly a third more murders in South Africa than the official police statistics reveal. This casts doubt on the New South African government's claim that the murder rate has in fact decreased since 1994.'
Written by: Rob Mc Cafferty (M. Ed) Communications Director, United Christian Action.

It has long been recognised that after apartheid - and this point is no justification for that thinking at all - the murder rate in S.Africa skyrocketed. Here is that point made clear by a responsible body.

Two points arise:

1) The abolition of the death penalty in that nation was clearly an important factor and

2) The highly praised governance of Nelson Mandela and beyond have deceived their people and the world. In short, they have lied through their teeth.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bloody Sunday enquiry.

14 deaths out of 3,256 and forty years on, our soldiers pilloried. Undeniably, right or wrong, these deaths could not have happened had there been no IRA terrorism.
Put the blame where it truly belongs!

A whole load of bull.

Top Spanish matador Jose Tomas gored during bullfight.

(Forgive me for not caring!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Christians are supposed to show wisdom!

'When Christian school teacher Jarretta Hamilton informed her employers that she was pregnant, she expected to have a discussion about maternity leave.
Instead, she was asked when her baby was conceived, and, after admitting it was three weeks before her wedding, she was fired.
Mrs Hamilton is now suing Southland Christian School, in St Cloud, Florida, over the loss of her job in April 2009, and for emotional stress caused when the school released details about why she was dismissed.'

.Read more:

Prayer for India much needed.

Hindu extremists are accused of murdering a pastor in Assam – just days before the he was due to finish building a new church for his congregation.
Pastor Ajit Bansi, a missionary for Gospel For Asia, was ambushed by gunmen as he went to buy materials for the final stage of his construction project. His three companions were also shot dead on May 20.
Pastor Ajit served a church of about 60 Christians and leaves behind a wife and two small children.

Release International.

If 'global warming' is happening .... how odd!

The head of the UK's Climatic Research Unit, an avid believer in man-made climate change, recently admitted there has been no statistically significant increase in global temperature for 15 years, a period during which atmospheric CO2 has continued to rise.

Climate change?

'Margaret Thatcher was one of the earliest politicians to make claims that the 'the climate was changing' back in the 80s and this is frequently pointed out by 'warmists'.
They have disingenuously ignored the her later volte face brought to us courtesy of Chris Booker in the Sunday Telegraph:-
'She voiced precisely the fundamental doubts about the warming scare that have since become familiar to us. Pouring scorn on the "doomsters", she questioned the main scientific assumptions used to drive the scare, from the conviction that the chief force shaping world climate is CO2, rather than natural factors such as solar activity, to exaggerated claims about rising sea levels. She mocked Al Gore and the futility of "costly and economically damaging" schemes to reduce CO2 emissions. She cited the 2.5C rise in temperatures during the Medieval Warm Period as having had almost entirely beneficial effects. She pointed out that the dangers of a world getting colder are far worse than those of a CO2-enriched world growing warmer. She recognised how distortions of the science had been used to mask an anti-capitalist, Left-wing political agenda which posed a serious threat to the progress and prosperity of mankind.'

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cameron grabs a headline.

The PM claims that he is going to 'gut' absurd 'elf n safety' legislation.
Headline-grabbing - certainly! Will it happen? - No. Of course not! A token effort only.
But this rubbish is so deeply rooted that, even if it were genuinely pursued, I strongly suspect that he will not be able to eradicate it AND he will have more pressing matters to attend to, I suspect!
(I wonder if the finger of blame will be pointed at where it should be? - Brussels!)

You were warned!

Expected cuts in immigration? Expected 'toughness on crime'? Expected 'reining in of the EU'?
What! With a tory government? - No way!
Today's tories are part of the liberal left!

Oh. You want proof?

Try this:

'Justice Secretary Ken Clarke suggested millions could be saved from the £2.2 billion prisons budget by jailing fewer offenders and slashing sentences' (Daily Telegraph.)


Car prices should rise massively.

As there are a number of irresponsible car drivers, a solution to this problem is to have 'minimum pricing' on all cars whether new or second hand. How about a baseline price of £25k?

It would have the following advantages:
1) It would get poorer people off the roads.
2) There would be fewer people to use cars irresponsibly.
3) It would raise money for government and most importantly,
4) It would punish the innocent majority to get at the guilty minority.
Those readers who had perhaps thought that this would be a great plan for alcohol - still like the principle when governments extrapolate from their idea?


A report out this last weekend suggests that of all the suicides of youngsters in the age group 10 - 14, around half are due to bullying.
I am not surprised in the slightest. It is the single most difficult situation to deal with in any school today.
Here are some of the problems:

1) Bullying is usually well concealed and cannot be easily proved.
2) All too often, parents of a bully will take their child's side irrespective of logic - often threatening legal action when investigations are made. If the bullying is proved - they will go into denial.
3) Potential witnesses are also frequently in fear.
4) A complaint by the victim, once known by the bully, will often make the situation even more serious.
5) Frequently, a claim of bullying results when the victim turns on their oppressor and the latter deliberately turns him/herself into the victim!
6) Much bullying - especially by girls - is simply organised nastiness in order to alienate an individual and cannot be tackled realistically without the situation worsening.
7) Some claims of bullying are simple attention-seeking and untrue.
8) In today's world, far too many accusations result from children who have no concept of 'banter'. Seemingly, many children are much more 'thin-skinned' than in the past. When these hit the workplace - they'll be in big trouble unless they adjust rapidly!

There are other categories but I do hope that this piece shows how sorting out this dreadful problem is like tiptoeing through a minefield.
With the best will in the world - success in dealing with such matters is extremely elusive and this report shows the possible consequences!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wind farms - a reality check?

Pagan police!

Humberside police is one force which is now giving time off to 'pagan officers' up to eight times a year for various festivals!
I am guessing that most of these will be just "havin' a larf" to get some extra time off but should we really be encouraging such irresponsibility in any guise?
It is disgraceful that Chris Crowley - a leading apostate - was given time on today's 'God slot' on BBC Radio Humberside.
Blame that nonsense called 'inclusivity'!

Source: Radio Humbeside.

Warning to believers.

Hebrews 6.
4) For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5) And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6) If they shall fall away - to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

Why do they say it?

Funny, really. They say you can't judge by appearance!

Message to slimmers.

It is a little known fact that the small bits and pieces of broken biscuit at the bottom of the biscuit barrel are actually calorie-free and will not impinge on your dieting in any way!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Yeeees. Yorkshire Post today.

From: Peter Bye, Park Crescent, Addingham.

REGARDING the Baftas (Yorkshire Post, June 7), what is an antondeck and what does it do? Can anyone help?


Catherine Zeta-Jones

An honour? - For the sake of all pity - WHY?

Gun law.

An interesting contrast in the wake of the Whitehaven tragedy is the contradictory attitudes towards gun possession.
Some have been extremely rapid to call for even more draconian gun controls but on the other side we have been treated to 'the sounds of silence'.
How many calls have you heard for the routine arming of the Police? - A few? None?
Odd huh? Derrick Bird could have been stopped on several occasions during his rampage had the police en route been armed.
How many innocent lives might this have saved?
Police already lose their lives to criminals much more frequently since they lost the protection of the rope back in 1964.
If debate there must be - then surely it has to be on whether or not the police should be armed.
