Saturday, June 05, 2010

Driving limit to be cut.

'Motorists could find themselves over the limit after drinking less than a pint of beer in the most radical reform of drink-drive laws for more than 40 years.
An official review, expected to be published within weeks, is expected to recommend bringing Britain into line with most of Europe by slashing the legal limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg.
It is likely to conclude that the move would prevent up to 65 deaths and 230 serious injuries a year.'

I should like to thank The Ministry of Guesswork for their utterly meaningless statistics.

The truth of the matter is that the government want to come into line with other EU countries. Road Safety is NOT the issue here.

The one-and-a-half-pint-over-two-hours drivers are not our problem. It is the boozers who still drive after a skinful.

AND what of the drugged up chavs who drive and are later stopped by the police? Are they drugs tested? Chances are that they are not! Why are they not the target if road safety is the real issue?

Ten years on The Bench opened my eyes to the truth!
