Friday, June 18, 2010

The execution was wrong but ...

The execution of Ronnie Gardener in Salt Lake City was an injustice - and I say this as one who is extremely strongly in favour of the death penalty.
Did he deserve execution? - Indubitably!
Would I personally have endorsed it? - Yes.
So then, what is my problem here?
- Well, the man had already served a quarter of a century in prison. The execution is wrong because it was not carried out 24 years ago. He has in effect had two major punishments and not one.
The Americans really must streamline their absurd appeals processes in capital cases.
Paradoxically, if this situation obtains or no death penalty at all - then I would be forced to opt - with some feelings of disquiet - for the Utah system, which still contains more justice than our wretched 'carte blanche to murder' policy!

Genesis 9:6 (New International Version) "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man."
(You will struggle long and in vain to overturn this teaching by reference to Christ's teachings in the New Testament.
Those verses used for that purpose by liberal christians are invariably decontextualised in order to force the point.)
