Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gardener's Question Time.

Gardener's Question Time panellists are under attack from the loony fringe who believe that killing of vermin is wrong - even RATS! (Threats have even been issued to those broadcasting from some extremists.)

Andrew Tyler, the director of Animal Aid, an animal rights group said: "The whole premise of gardeners killing squirrels is hateful and bigoted. It's the worst kind of intolerance."

No it is NOT! They are an alien species; they have displaced the native reds; they destroy both eggs and young in tree-nesting birds and they do untold damage to woodland.
Can we please start 'to get real'?

Because it is not tame and it breathes - that does not mean that vermin equates to 'wildlife'.

I am utterly fed up with our anthropomorphised thinking about creatures which should be subjected to major culling. These include: corvidae, rats, house mice, cockroaches, foxes, woodpigeons and in some places, rabbits.

Sentimentality is bad for WILDLIFE and mankind and the environment.

- A LoonyTunesWatch coconut is hereby awarded to Mr Tyler!
