Friday, July 02, 2010

One in three?

A bus drove past me yesterday with a slogan emblazoned on the side declaring utter piffle. It stated that one in three children in the UK are living in poverty!
Okay - name one! "Oh, I'm rather middle class. I don't actually know any."
Of course you don't. There is NO child poverty in the UK.
"But some children live in terrible conditions." Perfectly correct. But their condition is brought about by appalling parenting and should be regarded as NEGLECT NOT POVERTY.
Ask yourself. Where are the kiddies who have to live on the streets begging? Where are those without clean water - or food - or education - or access to health care? Where are the children dressed in rags?
In the poorer areas, how often do you fail to see 42" tellies; Nike trainers; computer games consoles; expensive hairdos; designer clothes; fags; lager; fast food wrappings?
Where is the rickets?
NO! This is a device of the liberal left to create as many 'victims' in society as possible. They need welfare dependency for their future votes!
Consider this. It is exactly the same problem as with public examinations. IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHERE YOU DRAW THE LINES FOR CUTOFF POINTS. Remember, that in a society where everybody earns £100k - with only £50k - you are in relative poverty. This concept of comparisons across a single society is utterly invalid!
Why not compare with Malawi?
As a rider to all of this, you are more likely to be living an impoverished life when old, in your own house and on a fixed income. With what governments - and in particular Brown & co - have done to pension schemes, it is a fate awaiting far more people in the future!
