DR Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, appears to be revealing an ambition, on his forthcoming retirement, to be a future trailblazer for the Labour Party, judging by his recent vehement attacks on the Cameron coalition.
He demonstrates an acute antagonism to any diminution in the state sector, apart from, predictably, defence, regardless of any real economic and social benefits that this could bring; it wouldn’t surprise me if he believes the divinity is a Left-wing creator whose plans have gone horribly wrong.
The problem is that he seems to be dragging The Archbishop of York down the slippery slope with his silliness!
He demonstrates an acute antagonism to any diminution in the state sector, apart from, predictably, defence, regardless of any real economic and social benefits that this could bring; it wouldn’t surprise me if he believes the divinity is a Left-wing creator whose plans have gone horribly wrong.
The bizarre cleric should, in my opinion, concentrate his energies on more local matters as he allows the Anglican Church to disintegrate with the inevitability of a Christian thrown to the lions. His incursion into politics wouldn’t be so bad if it were reflected in a more balanced and more realistic approach. Indeed, with his increasingly outspoken, entrenched Socialist views, he is in danger of becoming the Arthur Scargill of the ecclesiastical world!