They will call me 'An Old ****'. I know and I really don't care but ISN'T the music of the last two decades absolutely wretched? (And that is without even taking rap into account!)
How do I know? - Because I carefully listen to every new band that hits the charts and they drop by my wayside one after a tedious 'nother!
Bands which are so very highly rated lack so much:
We have shockingly poor 'blank verse' which has music fitted - non too comfortably - all around it as sentences don't even scan and so it is somehow crammed into the line with a consequent loss of quality.
Originality is only noticeable by its absence.
Keyboard standard rhythms infect at least three quarters.
Then we have the 'boyband lead singer sameiness' to contend with.
There are more bands just playing guitar chords than in the days of Buddy Holly!
Lyrics are either ponderous, trite or are 'fifties trivial'.
Tunes are super ordinary.
Excitement there ain't .
Where is the raw vitality of the Stones?
Where is the intelligence and simplicity of The Kinks?
Where is the originality of the Fab 4?
Where is the simple fun of a Dire Straits?
Where is the mixed genius of a Pink Floyd?
Where is the sublime excellence of a Strawbs?
Where do you find the gloriousness of a Steeleye Span?
Where is the powerful, fully rounded delivery of a Who?
Where is the musical contentment to be found in The Scorpions?
Where is the poetry of a Bogle, a Dylan or a Cohen?
Where are the great tunesmiths hiding?
Where is the music to send a shiver down the spine?
I seek and seek and am constantly disappointed.
Naturally enough, there are odd tracks which break the current mould but we do not even produce the truly great singers any more. Good as she is, Adele is hardly a substitute for a Tina Turner.
Why too is it that the greats of the past could keep on producing good stuff - sometimes over years and some over decades - but when some group knocks out two good uns on the trot today, you know that they will have exhausted all of their artistic creativity!