'A hard-hitting report on 120,000 problem households reveals that those responsible for antisocial behaviour feature a high incidence of incest and sexual abuse, physical violence and a spiral of alcohol abuse and crime.
The study – by Troubled Families ‘tsar’ Louise Casey – has found that generations of the underclass shrug their shoulders and dismiss pregnancies as ‘just happening’ even when their other children have been taken into care.
Half of the families studied for the report had four or more children, while the national average is one family in ten.'Oh dear. What I really should do here is to wander across to The Guardian, The Independent and possibly, The Mirror but I just can't face it. I cannot tackle all of the excuse-making designed to see these people at the bottom of the heap but unwilling to have them change. (Indeed - why not throw huge amounts of money at what is essentially a profoundly moral problem?)
Leftist 'solutions' will NEVER start from the moral standpoint which most of the well-meaning and intelligent Victorian reformers would have used. Leftist 'solutions' in today's world are never pragmatic.
If such folk have to be 'bullied' by the state to take the three generations necessary to get their families onto the right track - then so be it! If the first steps are not taken - such social groups are within easy reach of turning feral (Sawney Bean - move over!).
Hmm. I wonder which of the aforementioned rags will be the first to use the word 'dystopian'? - It won't be The Mirror!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2175094/Troubled-Families-report-lifts-lid-120-000-problem-households.html#ixzz20x03vVxZ