Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Clegg Is A Simplistic Socialist.

The Deputy Prime Minister said Britain’s wealthiest should be made to contribute more to the ‘economic war’, which has been made worse by the double-dip recession.
He said an extra ‘time-limited contribution’ from the rich would be seen as fair given the scale of Britain’s financial problems. (Mail)
Oh dear! Just how could anybody be so dim? - Well, to answer my own question - if you are a socialist by inclination ....
Nick, dear boy, few of us object to taxing the rich 'until the pips squeak' - that is not the point!
Taxes of this type simply cause the super-wealthy to cease acting as investors and entrepreneurs in the UK. They run away to 'kinder nations' - taking their cash with them!
This is a basic economic fact of life! - How come you do not grasp it?
History is littered with such examples.
You are too young to remember the Wilson Government's Super Tax at 98% - IT UP! Uncover the consequences of that folly!

It's Today. Praying For You Bernard.

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