Thursday, August 23, 2012

GCSEs Past Their 'Sell By Date?

GCSEs have outlived their usefulness and may need to be axed, a respected think-tank declared yesterday.
On the eve of GCSE results day, the Institute for Fiscal Studies warned that schools are using the current system ‘to boost their league table position’.
The concern is that schools steer pupils towards easier exams.
Sorry - the GCSE system leaves much to be desired but to axe the entire system would show phenomenal amounts of disruption with precious few benefits.
Mickey Mouse subjects must be the areas to suffer. Concentration on children knowing the actual locations of towns in the UK; countries around the world; mountain ranges; seas; capital cities et al might give a greater educational depth than Media Studies ever could.
(Knowing that televisions were unavailable in Tudor times might also be tolerably useful!)
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