Thursday, August 30, 2012

Yorks Post On Halal.

From: Barrie Frost, Watson’s Lane, Reighton, Filey.
IT seems to belong to a long forgotten era when Britain could proudly boast of being a nation of animal lovers.There will always be unbelievable and isolated cases of animal cruelty in even the most caring country but it is the horrific slaughter of our farm animals which is very rapidly becoming an utter disgrace to a majority of our people.Probably few people think when lovingly gazing at a newly born lamb, calf or piglet, and thank goodness young children are totally unaware, that in a very short time too many of our animals will have their throats slit while still fully conscious, still then able to move and whimper before collapsing after around 30 seconds and then hung up by their back leg until all their blood drains.The huge number of immigrants who have wanted to come to live in Britain because, presumably, they envy our lifestyle, have decided they must alter our standards of behaviour and impose their beliefs, and our MPs appear to have bent over backwards to accommodate their wishes regardless of our animal welfare laws and animal husbandry.

But, just why does this disgusting ritual take place? Why cannot an animal be humanely stunned before being slaughtered?It is because the Holy Book of some religions say that before being slaughtered an animal should listen to the prayers of Allah, which are administered by the slaughterman, and it, obviously, cannot do this if it is unconscious. The animal must be eternally grateful for the concern and care shown to it by the supposedly superior human race, but as it is so unbelievably petrified, I doubt whether it is really listening. Because Britain’s politicians have decided that immigrants’ beliefs must be practised, more than 100 million of our animals are slaughtered each year in this barbaric and disgraceful manner with this figure growing alarmingly.
Whatever happened to the British desire that all animals killed for human consumption must be humanely killed?
Halal meat is being served in hospitals, pubs and schools even though vets say Islamic slaughter is cruel. Waitrose,Tesco and fast food chains including McDonalds, famous sporting venues such as Ascot and Wembley are serving halal meat to unwitting customers.
The senses of all animals are so superior to those of humans, appearing to many to be almost beyond comprehension. Their sense of smell and hearing being particularly acute. When transported to any abattoir they, quite obviously, are petrified as they can smell and hear the pitiful cries of death long, long before they reach their destination; so petrified they lose all control of their bodily functions but to then exacerbate their ordeal by their ritual killing is alien to many. Among all the stench they are lined up for slaughter, witnessing their imminent fate by seeing other animals horribly killed in this way. That such killing is supposedly done for religious beliefs does nothing to attract lesser believers to their cause, indeed, it adds weight to those who believe religion is the root cause of many of the world’s disputes and horrors.In the last few decades the number of abattoirs which are practising halal killing has increased alarmingly. Are we prepared to sacrifice our country’s high animal welfare standards to such questionable beliefs?Are our rulers so lacking in basic decency that they are prepared to “look the other way” and permit our country to sink deeper into the mire?
Please do not buy when this sign is spotted - often without the translation.
This item is not anti-Muslim but it is pro-animal.
