Friday, August 24, 2012

The Centre Of The Entire Issue!

In an interview with Lisa Ling, Exodus International President Alan Chambers reiterated his beliefs that gay Christians can go to heaven. Chambers also commented on the need for churches to change their approach to homosexuals."Do I think there are people living a gay Christian life who are going to be in heaven with me?" he posed on a Tuesday episode of "Our America With Lisa Ling." "I do; if they have a relationship with God." (Christian Post.)

He is wrong - and it is not me who says so. The Scriptures are unequivocal. They speak directly and in the descriptions of what marriage is all about, indirectly also, regarding the role of sex for Christians.
You can push out your little liberal 'christian' chest as much as you like and stamp your foot too, if you must, BUT any sex outside a legitimate male/female marriage is SINFUL.
End of!
It is NOT the sin which condemns people, Mr Chambers - it is the absence of repentance for it. To call any sin 'right' will provoke a direct confrontation with you and God who will not take 'you meant well' as an excuse.
Mr Chambers, for the sake of your spiritual health - PLEASE read what Jesus had to say about millstones.
What Mr Chambers is saying is that 'God is wrong' OR 'We must not trust God's Word'.
Alan! Repent whilst you still can!
