Monday, June 23, 2014

Anti-Christian Persecution On The Rise In Europe.

Rise in cases of intolerance against Christians in Europe

Read the full report >  New report documents 241 cases of intolerance against Christians in Europe in 2013
The Austria-based Observatory on Intolerance Against Christians in Europe has reported that the number of "hate-related incidents against Christians in Europe are rising", with incidents ranging from vandalism against churches to bullying in the workplace and violence against Christians pro-life campaigners.
The report notes that incidents of intolerance have also involved limitations on free speech by hate speech legislation and restrictions on the freedom of conscience of Christian employees, with the most affected groups including medical staff, marriage registrars and wedding facility owners.
"Chilling effect"
The report observes: "Christians have found themselves in court for quoting the Bible, or arguing in their own words in favour of Christian positions....Frequently, such cases concern topics about Islam or homosexuality. The harmful effects of "hate speech" laws are. however, easy to recognise.  They create a chilling effect on free speech."
It adds: "
Equal treatment laws can create irresolvable moral conflicts for Christians forcing them to choose between their belief and their business.  While this legislation is phrased in a neutral way, practice shows that it is very often Christians who are taken to court."  Christian Concern.
