Thursday, June 26, 2014

John Mackay: How To Live Your Spiritual Life.

“Pray without ceasing,” (1 Thess 5:17), and do all things “ prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,” (Phil 4:6). This is the challenge the Holy Spirit has given all Christians through the apostle Paul. Is it the way you live? It is the way you should be living and so should we! It’s also God’s Word on how we should be speaking to God; praising Him, imploring Him, and enquiring of Him. For our God is the Holy and Righteous Creator God who empowered the Old Testament Patriarchs, strengthened the New Testament saints and saves today’s disciples who are reading this right now, as He enables us to boldly live His way. So make sure you thank Him right now and bless Him as you pray, “My aim and my prayer today Oh Lord is for Thy will to be done, in me, to me, for me and through me to the honour and glory of the risen Lord Jesus.” Then continue to pray for those of us in Creation Research as we share so much to praise for. You will be blessed and encouraged by the time you finish this brief electronic newsletter. Yours in Christ’s service
John Mackay for the world wide team. 
