Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Central African Republic.

The Central African Republic (CAR) is a little-known nation right in the middle of the African continent. However, right now the country is in the midst of unimaginable fear and suffering.
 Bitter conflict has left thousands dead and 560,000 people homeless, while 250,000 have fled to neighbouring countries. Violence can flare up without notice and the innocent are the ones who suffer in the fallout.
More than half the population, 2.5 million people, are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and healthcare
 Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN described the situation as ‘the worst crisis most people have never heard of’.
Despite CAR being one of the most dangerous places on the planet, Tearfund has set up a new programme and is launching an emergency appeal to help the most vulnerable affected by conflict. We’ve already distributed food, drinking water and everyday essentials to thousands of displaced people – but we need to do so much more.
 Please support the appeal, through prayer and by giving, to help the people of CAR. There is no better example of what we believe in - following Jesus, where the need really is greatest.
