Sunday, June 22, 2014

Important Case of Nohad Halawi in Court of Appeal on Wednesday
Watch an interview with Nohad
Halawi here(3m 55s) >
The case of a Christian Legal Centre client, who was dismissed from her job at Heathrow airport on the basis of false rumours that she was 'anti-Islam', will be heard at the Court of Appeal next Wednesday (25 June).
Nohad Halawi, who worked at a duty free shop at Heathrow's Terminal 3 for 13 years, had defended a fellow Christian employee who was mocked by the Muslim workers for wearing a cross.  The management took away her ‘airside’ pass which meant that she was no longer allowed to work at the airport.
An Employment Tribunal ruled in 2012 that Nohad had no protection under employment law as she was not “technically employed” - despite significant evidence to the contrary. 
Andrea Williams of the Christian Legal Centre said:
"This is a clear case of injustice involving a Christian worker which was obvious to many of Nohad’s colleagues – including some Muslim colleagues – who signed a petition protesting her dismissal. In order for us to challenge Nohad’s unfair dismissal, and the unequal treatment of Christians in the workplace, we need a judge to rule that she was in fact employed. This is why we’re supporting Nohad as her case goes to the Court of Appeal next week." Christian Concern.
Read more about her case here >
