Sunday, April 09, 2017

Following In The Footsteps Of CS Lewis.

When sceptics convert: 3 former atheists walking the path of CS Lewis.

Ahead of Unbelievable? the Conference 2017 Justin Brierley traces the stories of three women whose intellectual journey led to their conversion from atheism to Christianity 
When Oxford academic CS Lewis wrote about his adult conversion from atheism to Christianity in Surprised by Joy (HarperCollins) in 1955 it became an apologetics classic, one still read by Christians and seekers to this day.
His story included the realisation that his belief in justice and morality required a transcendent moral lawgiver and that Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God only made sense if it was true.
But there are many modern-day converts whose journeys echo Lewis’ own search for truth. Christians can learn much from what brought others to faith. These are three stories of how morality, beauty and love led three sceptics to the person of Christ. Premier Christianity.
Read these wonderful stories below:

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