Sunday, April 09, 2017

Submarine Problems.

More Submarine Problems.

bill2.jpgUKIP Defence Spokesman, Bill Etheridge MEP, has launched a broadside at the Ministry of Defence as news emerged of not only a ten month delay for the fourth Astute class submarine, but also a near £200m increase in their combined cost. The fourth Astute vessel, HMS Audacious, was initially due in August 2015 but this had already been put back to January next year. November 2018 is the new predicted date.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) have also admitted that the price to build the four new nuclear submarines rose by £191m in the year 2015/2016.
A BAE spokeswoman said: "The design and build of a nuclear powered submarine is one of the world's most complex engineering challenges.

Mr Etheridge, MEP for the West Midlands, said “An engineering challenge it may be, but surely that should have been included in the quote?

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Urgent warning as Britain is  paying the highest electricity prices  in the world. Electricity prices in the UK are four times higher than i...