Sunday, April 09, 2017

Raving, Ranting Left Show Their Lunacy.


The left's bizarre and almost hysterical reaction to Vice President Pence's personal marital guidelines is not only totally off point. It actually misses the most essential point of all, namely, that it is Pence's high esteem for women — specifically, the most important woman in his life, his own wife — that fuels his moral choices. At the same time, the leftist response reveals a glaring blind spot when it comes to self-awareness.
The uproar began last week when the Washington Post published Ashley Parker's article, "Karen Pence is the vice president's 'prayer warrior,' gut check and shield."
The title of this article points to the important role Karen Pence plays in her husband's life, which one would think would draw praise from the feminists and the leftists. But no, because of their high moral ethic (and because Mike Pence is, after all, the Vice President of Donald Trump), the article drew rabid responses, including Laura Chapin's call on US News to "lock him up" (seriously).
Most of the criticism focused on the revelation that, "In 2002, Mike Pence told the Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won't attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either."
Chapin, a Democratic strategist, responded with this diatribe:
"Then lock him up. Because if your only concept of women is whether you want to have sex with them, something is seriously wrong with you. It presumes women exist only in terms of how men define and perceive them, without autonomy or self-determination. Women exist solely for procreation, which is to be determined and directed by men.

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Urgent warning as Britain is  paying the highest electricity prices  in the world. Electricity prices in the UK are four times higher than i...