Guido brings you the full roll call of candidates who have been suspended up and down the country over the last few weeks.
Suspended Tory candidates:
- Matt Lynch in Hastings suspended over doubts over his claims to be a war veteran
- George Stoakley in Fen Ditton suspended for joking about “a Jew in an attic”
- Kamran Razzaq suspended for claiming Labour give you hepatitis
- Karen Sunderland in Lewisham suspended for comparing Islam to Nazism
- David Boston in Enfield suspended for saying bacon on your door handle protects from terrorists
- Matthew Clarke in Stevenage suspended for saying gay people should face the death penalty
- Nick Sundin in Newcastle suspended for Islamophobic tweets
- Ian Robinson in Netherton suspended for sharing Britain First posts (he says he was hacked)
- Mike Payne suspended in Yorkshire for calling Muslims parasites
- Peter Handley in Oxford suspended for calling a colleague a cripple
Suspended Labour candidates:
- Irfan Javed suspended in Stevenage for ranting about “Jew propaganda”
- Sameh Habeeb in Northwood suspended for suggesting Jews control the media
- Roy Smart in Tunbridge Wells suspended for questioning the Holocaust
- Alan Bull suspended for post claiming the Holocaust was a hoax
- Richard Taylor suspended for calling female Tory MPs “foul b*tches”
- Pam Bromley in Rossendale suspended for alleged anti-Semitic posts
- Claire Udy suspended for anti-Semitic tweets
- Matthew Brown suspended in Yarborough for undisclosed reasons
- David Walls in Newsham suspended for anti-Semitism
- Mandy Richards suspended in Worcester for conspiracy theory posts
- Jim Dempster in Dumfries suspended for Islamophobia
- Lee Anderson in Ashfield suspended for alleged racism
- Davie Machlachan suspended in South Lanarkshire for alleged racism
Labour have not suspended a host of other candidates who clearly breached party rules:
- Dipu Ahad in Newcastle who spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Marks and Spencer
- Sharon Hamilton in Leeds who has been accused of bullying
- Tony Cottier in Bebington who called Jacob Rees-Mogg an “Opus Dei c**t”
- Sam Gardner in Westminster who called Tories “c**ts” and told them to die
- Jasmine Kennedy in Kirklees who tweeted about “dyke lesbian bitches”
- Henry Fowler in Wandsworth who called Labour moderates “scum”
- Paul Eustice in Worthing who accused Boris of carrying out the Salisbury attack
- Elizabeth Hayden in Liverpool posted slurs about terror attacks
- Barbara Hainsworth in Westminster who compared May to Hitler
- Matthew Uberoi who admitted to voters that he was once jailed for a stock market scam
- Kashif Raza who posted homophobic and sexist videos
- Tara Lyans in Welywn Hatfield who tweeted about punching “b*tches” and Prince William
- Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt in South Thanet who posted about the “Zionist sympathies” of Jewish MPs
- Salim Mulla was suspended as a councillor for anti-Semitism but then reinstated
- Ilyas Aziz was suspended as a councillor for anti-Semitism but then reinstated
- Shah Hussain was suspended as a councillor for anti-Semitism but then reinstated
- Miqdad Al-Nuaimi was suspended as a councillor for anti-Semitism but then reinstated
- Andrew Slack was suspended as a councillor but then reinstated
- Luke Cresswell was suspended as a councillor but then reinstated
On this evidence, it’s hard not to conclude that the parties have a very different approach to dealing with dodgy candidates… GUIDO.