Friday, May 04, 2018

Ukip Sliced And Diced In Local Elections.

Who can be surprised? But IMHO, a vote for a badly run Ukip would still have been better than any vote for the LibLabCons.

The country is in desperate need of a right of centre party which is: non-Tory; not riddled with the leftist liberal elite; not populated with out-of-touch upper class toffs! 
Ukip has not aimed to be that party which would displace toryism and would still have great appeal for a great swathe of Labour voters. This is the principal reason for its downfall. To this, you can add the infighting; the lack of direction; stupid public comments in the face of an aggressive media and a failure to grasp that certain types of policy can alienate those who should be your core support.

The good news last night was to see how poorly racist Labour had done against this oh-so weak government.

Elephantine Tragedies.