Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ken Ham In The UK.

SPECIAL EVENTS organised by Answers in Genesis UK/Europe
Don't forget we have some exciting opportunities this month as Ken Ham speaks at three 
very different events here in the UK. Please PRAY for these events and for Ken and for all those who will hear him...
Evangelistic Opportunity...
Anyone and everyone can come to this! - Let's fill the Sheldonian Theatre and understand the battle for our foundations (Click on the image below for details)...
Equipping Churches...
Prior to the evening event, Ken Ham will be presenting a talk called Why Genesis Matters For Your Church at a special BRUNCH at the 5-star Randolph Hotel. The cost for this will be just £10 and MUST BE BOOKED in advance (for catering purposes) by clicking the image below...
Equipping Over A Thousand...
And all this after our main event of the year: The UK Creation Mega Conference 2019 in West Bromwich, where Ken will be joined by 8 of the best creationist speakers, 14 Associate Ministries and over 1000 people. Online booking closes this Sunday night at 11:59pm, so don't miss out - Come and be equipped to contend for the faith (click below for details)...
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Answers in Genesis UK/Europe | 0116 2708400 |
