Monday, June 13, 2022

How Many Planeloads to Rwanda ...

... before the criminals stop illegally entering our country 
across The Channel?
             Not too many old folks and not too many children on that very typical boat. All young - mainly young men.
Blogger: my guess is four - and at that point numbers 
will plummet. Six in total may well complete the task.
For those who are reading this Blog for the first time, I
must clarify that this Blogger fully supports the UK 
taking its fair share of genuine refugees.
It might be a good thing to put persecuted Christians at
the top of our list and try to persuade rich moslem
countries - UAE et al - to take their share of moslem 
When you consider how many Christian refugees are 
being persecuted at the hands of moslems - that
would seem eminently fair and even-handed.

A Church Ditches Digital.