Friday, June 03, 2022

Let's Hear It For ... COFFEE!

People who drink coffee daily 

live longer, study says.

Man at coffee shop drinking coffeeA new study suggests moderate coffee intake daily can lower the risk of early death.Getty Images

A cup a day keeps the doctor away?
Mounting evidence shows caffeine lovers who drink coffee daily are less likely to die early compared to those who don’t, a new study suggests.
For seven years, Southern Medical University researchers in Guangzhou, China studied the habits and overall health of over 171,000 people, who did not have cancer or health disease, in the UK.
Ultimately, they discovered that those who drank unsweetened coffee regularly were 15 to 21% less likely to die than the participants who didn’t. The study also found that people who drank between one and four cups of lightly sweetened coffee every day were 29 to 31% less likely to die.
The study was published Tuesday in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.
New York Post.

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