Sunday, June 19, 2022

Well Explained, Thomas.

Father James Martin: Pride Month ‘Shows Us Whom Jesus Calls Us to Love’.

LOS ANGELES, CA - JUNE 10: People watch the 48th annual LA Pride Parade on June 10, 2018, in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles and West Hollywood, California. The annual gay rights event returns to its customary format of celebration following a one-time switch to the Resist March protest …David McNew/Getty
ROME — Jesuit Father James Martin declared this week that Gay Pride celebrations show us “whom Jesus calls us to love” and therefore are “deeply complementary” with devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Despite the gay mantra “love is love,” however, the LGBT movement has little to do with love and everything to do with sex, since the very initials of the movement signify sexual preferences and inclinations.
According to Catholic theology, and Christian morality more generally, Jesus wants us to love everyone but he does not want us to have sex with everyone we love. He does not want us to have sex with our mothers, for instance, or our sisters, our daughters, or our buddies of the same sex.
How Gay Pride “shows us whom Jesus calls us to love” is therefore a mystery, and one that Father Martin does not choose to elucidate.
In his essay, the Jesuit priest also asserts that “in ten countries you can be executed for being gay.” This is false and disingenuous. In ten countries you can be executed for sodomy, or performing gay sex, but not for “being gay.” Breitbart.

Learning From Joseph.