Monday, July 24, 2006


Even the most dedicated Bloggers have to take Holy Days as a respite, on occasions.

My loyal readership - yes, and you too - are going to have to wait until about the 3rd of August until the next posting.

I promise to return with my 'cutting edge' intact or even enhanced.

God richly bless you all!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Liars! There is no other word.

In 1973 we moved to Darnall in Sheffield. Periodically, a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses appeared on our doorstep predicting Armageddon/the end of the world in 1975. [For those not paying proper attention at the time, I must explain that this did not actually happen]
By 1976 we had moved to the Handsworth part of Sheffield. The very same couple turned up on our doorsteps? I challenged them whilst tactfully and kindly pointing out how wrong they had been and happened to mention that 'death by stoning' is the correct Scriptural punishment for a false prophet. They stood barefaced and stated categorically that neither they nor the Watchtower Society had ever propounded such doctrines. I have been told the same by other JWs in subsequent years, although to be fair, some have simply shrugged shoulders and been dismissive.


War in Iraq.

I am not going to look at the rights and wrongs of this involvement of ours in Iraq - there really are good arguments on both sides AND I have not forgotten that the polls around the time we went in advocated our involvement. People simply got sick of it all VERY quickly.
BUT, I have two questions:
1) Why us? Why not Sweden or France or anybody? Why our young men and our taxpayers?
2) What is the matter with the Tories? Blair lied and convinced them to support him. So when that was revealed, why did they not withdraw support and demand the return of our troops?
Of the four largest parties then, it is only UKIP and the Lib Dems who reflect the views of the people. I wonder how often these two will coincide in opinion? The Labour left are of course, squirming with embarrassment. Galloway's (dis)Respect is a disgrace.
AND the Christian view? The trouble is that once in, we may leave a mess by withdrawing. Still, I find little of God in any of this. I do not necessarily subscribe to the taproom view that "It's all about oil, innit?" but the political machinations alone make the whole project sordid and dishonest. Christians should not support such.
Even the left cannot be wrong ALL the time.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Polish Catholics in for a shock!

New Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski showed a touching belief this week when he informed the Polish people that he would be working hard so that Poland could be in the EU but not see Polish "full sovereignty in culture and morals" affected by that membership.
I am afraid that this is either political naivety of the highest degree or he is deliberately deceiving the solidly Roman Catholic Poles who, as a nation, have no desire to see so-called homosexual marriages foisted on them. [Remember William Hague's "in the EU but not of the EU"?]
Kaczynski has vowed to defend Christian marriage. His chances of being able to do this remain between nil and zero.
This matter will be brought before EU courts by some disgruntled individual with an agenda and put simply, Poland will lose. There will be calls then for Poland to pull out of European Courts BUT they cannot do so and remain in the EU. Their politicians will then insist that Poland stays in the EU and will work against their people.

Sorry to be so depressing but we have seen all these kinds of things too many times before.

Paradox. The EU has built in a pro Catholic, anti Protestant bias. You are now wondering how these these disparate elements can work as described. See earlier postings where the Liberal Elite admires both Islam AND homosexuality. The principle remains the same.

Update: 31/8/06
Poland's new conservative prime minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, painted a picture of a tolerant, gay-friendly Poland on his first visit to Brussels,but warned that any new EU constitution must give Warsaw real clout inEU-decision making.


Friday, July 21, 2006

Extended licensing hours.

Never ones to fail to put out a fire with paraffin - or at least make the attempt - and against a rising backcloth of alcohol related deaths, our beloved government extended licensing hours on the dubious premise that the average binge drinkers would suddenly adjust their habits and would change over to continental-style drinking.
Just how many times can you make decisions which fly in the face of sanity?
Drinking related violence is way up and the big picture? - Well, alcohol related deaths have doubled since 1991 the bulk of these being people who are now dying in early middle age.

I am no teetotaller but remember again those early Methodist-Socialists, my own grandfather included, and wonder how they would view all this.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

TV evangelists.

Do TV evangelists do more good than harm? I really do not have an answer for that one but I am sickened by the multitudes of nest-featherers amongst their numbers. I am less than totally convinced by the 'prosperity Gospel' of Cerullo and many others - usually delivered in that loud, expansive way which is so alien to most Brits.
If these people are so Godly, why do they typically come across as a bunch of charlatans on the various Gospel TV channels?
I try not to be unfair - sometimes it just ain't easy. I have to believe that a majority are doing God's work - that ain't so easy either.

I remain less than convinced by Billy Graham whose compromised and publicised (dis)beliefs have concerned me for some time and I speak as one who took schoolchildren to one of his crusades!
I do know that the Internet scandalmongers are not always to be trusted but the amount of times Mr Graham's name is linked to a particular freemasonry lodge worries me.

It is only fair to point out that The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association vehemently denies the charges.

The connections of Oral Roberts have been denounced periodically.

*** Recommended.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Big bang is whimpering!

Dr Robert V. Gentry has published ten different, scientific papers each showing a different aspect of why The so-called Big Bang could NOT have happened and why the Genesis account makes more sense. His work has been: censored, pilloried and suppressed but there has been no meaningful scientific challenge to this research. Conspiracy, then? - You bet! It does not even make it into the sensation-grabbing headlines of the lowbrow, gutter press who: find Elvis alive, have personally met an alien and have travelled to Jupiter on roller skates. I have studied his video which deals with Polonium Radio Halos and am mightily impressed.


Explaining myself.

'Just what is your political stance?' I expect people are wondering. For many years I have replied, 'I am not left wing'. That is the significance of the title of this Blog. I am unhappy to describe myself as rightwing.
I fear any political idealism - somehow there always seems to be bloodshed at the end of it. That people should have ideals is a totally different matter. Mine happen to be evangelical.
I think that since I first started to show an interest in politics, I have recognised how what the left promises always seems to end up in disaster. If for one example, we take the Health Service, there we have an excellent idea, well implemented but with sclerotic systems which have been unable to adjust to change, the result being that it has become the largest employer in Europe and yet is one of the poorest systems at delivering effective healthcare. Money has been poured in without thought. Enormously wasteful bureaucracy and wild theories have been employed when a total root and branch change is required.
Why do we not learn from the French who have objectively the most efficient healthcare provision in the world?
Working people pay for their care and are able to claim between 70% and 92% back. The old and weak pay nothing. Many serious and longterm conditions are totally free.They can approach any hospital, public or private, and they have all the advantages of being a private patient at a fraction of the price. The shortfall, if any, is very cheap to insure at a fraction of what BUPA membership costs here. People actually leave the UK to enjoy French-quality health care.
Hospitals then compete and in order to do so must, if necessary, sack managers and bureaucrats to ensure that nurses and doctors are the prime moving force.
When my aged aunt had to raid her life savings in Cheshire to get a hip operation as the waiting list was about two years and for some reason she did not want to be bed-ridden, it cost her £8000. In France it would probably have been done in a fortnight for nothing. Had she been younger and working, it would have cost just £800.
The Health Service has become a socialist 'sacred cow'. They refuse to improve or change it and try to paper over the cracks with ever more taxpayers' money. The Conservatives are too scared to touch it as the socialist mantra of "The Tories want to abolish The Health Service" has been believed by too many voters whose political opinions are formed by The Guardian and The Mirror.
Christians must not be naive. Too many advocate higher taxes to "fund healthcare properly". There is probably more than enough there to do a proper job at the moment but adding money to this system is like the expense of putting a brand new engine into a rusting, ancient Ford Anglia. Good money after bad. [And I should know!]


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Channel Four.

I am sure that my readers are sufficiently broadminded to accept the non stop stream of : so-called erotica, sleaze, pseudo scientific investigations of sexual practices, excuses to show genitalia and a selection of films which not too long ago would have had the Channel Four board languishing in a cell.
We shall let that pass. Let us consider the plethora of programmes which have been shown promoting Islam under the guise of: documentaries, information and multicutural understanding.
Now let us consider the opening two paragraphs. Do these two attitudes overlap? Of course they do not but they reflect perfectly the attitudes of the liberal elite. [The inevitable collision of these disparate belief systems could be amusing. See posting: "A Difficult Choice."]
Meanwhile, Channel Four has of course, given the oily and odious Professor Dawkins a platform from which to belabour Christianity. ["The root of all evil."] It also presents evolution as a proven fact - it is not alone amongst the media with that. It has also directly promoted atheism and has made at least one disgraceful programme, 'Dispatches' March 6th, attacking and illogically mocking evangelical belief - all without the right of proper reply. I know. I have complained, asked and been wilfully ignored - not even the courtesy of a response. All this in a matter of months. The media moulds minds. It has access to the young, the foolish and the terminally simple. It also has access to the more intelligent young people who have been prepared for this assault throughout their often wretched education.
Onto the attack. Write and complain to: them directly, your MP, newspapers and any Internet Forum. Complain to Governing bodies and watchdogs. Use local radio phone-ins but write down your points and do try to anticipate what the probably liberal presenter will throw back at you. Always adopt adopt a highly reasonable tone of voice. Talk Radio is often prepared to put you on nationally - particularly late at night. So watch out for the next piece of Channel Four rubbish. I promise you - the wait will be a short one!
If you really are a Christian why are you doing nothing in the face of such clear wrongdoing?

Note. Michael Grade who earned the title "Britain's pornograher-in-chief" from The Daily Mail when he was top man at Channel 4 and who guided it down their present broad path, is now permanent Chairman of Governors at the Beeb! Worried yet?

Monday, July 17, 2006


A very good friend of mine who is not a Christian has recently become a Singaporean citizen after living there for decades. He paints a picture of a prosperous, easygoing, relatively crime-free society without any real poverty. People are rewarded for working and penalised for not. The weak are helped and as a society seemingly, it has shared goals.
The point I was most interested in was how very different races and religions simply coexist. {Some may be delighted; others concerned that Jehovah's Witnesses and Moonies are recognised as dangerous cults and are therefore banned} The 'ghetto mentality' is largely absent.
Citizens are not bossed about by a nitpicking, nanny state which wants total mind control. It enjoys far more freedom than here. Singapore horrifies the left even though by normal definition it is not a rightwing society.
Virtually all the social problems we have here, from burglary to graffitti, from drugs to parasitism are rare in the extreme.
It may have its downside but compared to us...................

Who we cannot vote for.

Pro multifaith/multiculturalism, I could never vote Lib Dem. Pro multifaith/multiculturalism, I could never vote Labour. Both of these parties are happy to support the downgrading of Christianity and have too many members who actively encourage this. [See posting: Multi-faith evil, 3rd June]
Who knows what the Conservatives believe these days? There may still be a remnant of Christian faith in some isolated quarters. [See Blog: June 11th] The Greens mirror Labour and Lib Dem. An article I read some years ago made the point, quite successfully, that multitudes of former marxists found a home in the Green Party across Europe.
I must, at this time point out that liberal, compromising Christians all too often feel quite at home in these pathetic groupings.
I could never vote for extremes - so there go BNP and Respect, then. UKIP has many evangelicals although there is an anti Christianity strand in the party too and in fairness, they will (ironically enough) take many more EU Parliament seats but they will not be forming our next government at Westminster.

LINK: Worth a look but nowhere near as good as the original article which I cannot lay my hands on.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


At first sight it would appear a most reasonable stance for evangelical Christians. I do not have any figures but my personal discussions with believers suggest that pacifism is a minority view.
The primary issue is whether or not "we are loving our neighbour by killing him." To state this in vacuo is highly simplistic as we may not be loving a third party neighbour who is being slaughtered by the first.
I failed pacifism myself after a conversation with one such. He was asked what he would do if he saw an innocent person being attacked by a man of violence. His reply was that he would remonstrate with the aggressor. I then asked what force he would use if and when this failed. He said he would continue to argue with the attacker and would use force under no circumstances. There is nothing of God in this.
The Society of Friends -Quakers - are a pacifist group but are so willing to reject the Scriptures with their extreme liberal Christianity; an excellent organisation at its founding now borders on being a cult.
The conscientious objector is surely more to be respected. "I will not fight in or support this war. This war is wrong." That person has then used judgement, weighed the pros and cons and in the case of Christians, tested it against Scripture.
Let us never forget that peacemakers are to be blessed. I may not be a pacifist but shall pray for peace and seek to find it - just not at any cost.
Most Christians are interested in the concept of a war being 'just' and would hopefully refuse to fight should it fail that test.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Published without comment.

15th July 2006.

This letter appeared in Today's Times,
Fun day is a divisive error
Sir, Your report about the couple whose wedding day at Alton Towers has clashed with a “Muslim fun day” (
July 12) quite naturally concentrated on the upset to the couple but there is a bigger issue.
Having a specific day when only one faith can attend a major attraction is religious a
partheid which creates divisions within society and confirms the belief that Muslims cannot form part of NI_MPU('middle');
On the Muslim day in Alton Towers alcohol and gambling will be banned. This perpetuates the false belief that only Muslims refrain from alcohol or gambling. Many Christian, and indeed atheist, parents might welcome a day in a theme park without alcohol or gambling machines: why then deny them access? Also the proposed “Islamic dress code” for women not only discriminates against non- Muslims but against those Muslim women who choose not to wear the hijab or jilbab.
Islamic Leisure describes the event as its “first national Muslim fun day”, yet it will also be the last. When part two of the Equality Act 2006 is brought into force this year, any form of religious discrimination in goods or services will become illegal and this will prevent Alton Towers, or any other entertainment centre, restricting their facilities to members of one religion or imposing a religious dress code.
Unfortunately, that will be rather too late for the bride and groom whose day has been ruined by this ill-thought-out and divisive event.

*** This event was cancelled as reported on 2nd August due to "poor ticket sales."


The Kairos organisation, founded in Florida, with its roots in the Cursillo movement, is dedicated to bringing a spiritual dimension to the lives of prisoners and their families.
It has been working with measurable success as a Christian outreach in UK prisons where - to put it simply - it has reduced repeat offending. [Obviously enough, this is to some huge extent, down to Scunthorpe's own Jim Lewis!] Its success in the USA is even more noteworthy.
So. Let's guess. It has become an organisation 'less than grata' and has literally been persecuted for its Christian base.
It is not just Innercare who are pilloried by the leftwing , anti-God authorities in UK gaols.
Christianity is under massive attack in this nation. Let us not pretend otherwise.

A difficult choice.

The liberal elite have a choice to make as they become increasingly more incoherent in their beliefs.
On the one hand, they wish to put down Christianity and religion in general but on the other, they wish to embrace Islam for its: "nobility, history and wisdom." {Not grubbing for votes, of course} Even Blair treasures his copy of the Qur'an, apparently.
Unfortunately for the left, Islam opposes some of their dearest held beliefs such as: feminism, abortion and homosexuality. Islam is not a particularly liberal religion. The time is surely coming when these two incompatible belief systems clash head to head.

An interesting link, to be treated with care:

Friday, July 14, 2006

Philippa Grainger

This site condemns political correctness in all its forms. Are there really so few men in York that God has to be played by a WOMAN - again? I find this offensive and shall certainly refuse to attend.
Does this not border on blasphemy, Philippa?

Innerchange programme 'too Christian'.

A Christian discipleship course for prisoners in Princetown prison, Dartmoor has been ditched by the Prison Service after only one year because it 'did not comply with diversity policies', according to the Church of England Newspaper.
Chuck Colson's course - based on the principle that the basis of crime is sin - was already showing major success.
'Success' is not the criterion if it falls foul of policies of 'diversity and multiculturalism.' Is it a coincidence that the person responsible for training chaplains (?) is actually Muslim?
For the sake of pity - what have we done to our nation? What is more, my sources report that Archdeacon Noblett, the Chaplain General has been less than supportive.
You will be glad to learn that this programme was "TOO CHRISTIAN."
Why not E Mail the good Mr Noblett? PLEASE write to your MP! Please write to as many newspapers as you can find addresses for! Photo; Dartmoor.

***LINK: Guardian article, Jonathan Aitken.,,1510905,00.html

Daily Mail catches up, late.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Let's hear it for the black pastors.

Terrific! A host of black ministers have arisen to attack the kind of political correctness which: grants special privileges to minorities, promotes homosexuality and demonstrates clear anti Christian discrimination from the governing Labour Party. [In fairness, it is difficult see too many differences between what Labour does and the Liberal democrats support!] A letter on these themes was today published in The Daily Telegraph. Just look at the list of signatories!

Ade Omooba, Sam Solomon, Coherent and Cohesive Voice, London W11 Pastor John Noble Pastor Nims Obunge - Freedom Ark Pastor Sola Fola-Alade - Trinity Chapel Pastor Jonathan Oloyede - Glory House Rev Kofi Banful - Praise Chapel Pastor Agu Irukwu - Jesus House for all NationsRevd Colin Dye - Kensington TemplePastor Wale Babatunde - World Harvest Christian CentreApostle Alfred Williams - Christ Faith TabernaclePastor Denis Wade - Micah Christian MinistriesMuriel MohabirRevd Kingsley Appiagyei - Trinity Baptist Church Pastor Mabs Nkumu - A.I.R.S. Ministries (French Church East London)Revd Chuks Anierobi - The Shepherds MissionRevd George Hargreaves - Christian Party Revd Elizabeth Ossei - Christ Evangelical Church Pastor Lovell Bent - New Life AssemblyPastor Lanre Sholola - C.V.I.M.Pastor Victor Darteh - ELPIS Christian MinistriesPastor Femi Fisayo - Christ's Disciples Mission InternationalRev. Dubem Okwuosa - Divine Word Prayer MinistriesPastor Emmanuel Ansah - Kingdom Life MinistriesPete Game - Share Christian FellowshipRevd Joy Roye - Dayspring MinistriesRevd William Lamptey - Blessed Hope of Christ Evangelical Ministries Revd John Bedford - Baptist MinisterRevd Alex Gyasi - Highway of Holiness ChurchPastor Charles Ohan - Clayslane Christian CentrePastor Simeon Ademolake - Harvest ChapelRevd Gabriel Ilori - Christ Gospel Church Revd Shegun Olaleye - Newhope Christian MinistriesPastor Shola Ewedemi - Kings Court Chapel (Milton Keynes)Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo KiccHilton and Anne McCallister - International Leadership ConnectionRevd Abraham Usikaro - New Jerusalem Christian Centre Dr John and Myra Sloan - International Medical Team Pastor Eniwaju Etomi - Holy Ghost Zone (Coventry)Revd Emmanuel Adebola - Newconnection International Christian Centre Pastor A. Akinloye GAGPastor Ade Adeshina Harmony Christian CentreRev AdekunleRev Adeyemo Rev and Mrs Ajala Holding Forth the Lord Rev Akin Lawal RCCGRev. and Rev (Mrs) Akinbogun Higher Dimension International Christian CentreRev. Rotimi & Evang. Yetunde Akinfe New Life Bible Way ChurchPastor and Pastor (Mrs) Akinleye CLMCPastor Akinpelu Grace Centre ChurchPastor and Rev Alake Pastor Alex Popoola Rev Alfred Wolfe Pneuma Christian Centre Pastor Allan Wilson Compassion & Passion World Outreach Int'l Pastor Andrew and Mrs Kamakai MLM Rev Angela Kakraba The Word Ministry Rev Annette St. Luce El Shaddai Rev Jimmy & Mrs Margaret Anibaba The Amazing Grace of Pentecost Ministry Evang Anne SaIlu E.C.M Rev Anthony Olisah House of ComfortPastor and Mrs Ayani C.A.C MT. Joy Pastor Ayo Tells F.L.C.CPastor Bayo Onarnusi Rev Ben I Torto Christ Miracle Gospel Rev (Mrs) C Ogunye God's Ministry Bishop Caleb Mankintosh New Life Way ChurchEvang Cecilia Jarneson Laadan St. Ministries Pastor Charles CI.C.F Pastor Charles and Gervis Mensab CI.C.F Rev Charles Hikes Rev D.O. Balogun Latter Rain Revival ChurchPastor David Furr Rev Debbie Howard Pastor Deborah Samuel Shekinah Christian Centre Pastor Derrick Wilson Tabernacle Centre Pastor Cynthia Dickson V.R.C. Minister Donald EwersRevs. Donna & Levi Farrell House of EI-Shaddai InternationalPastor Dupe Adefala Bishop E 0 Omoobajesu Eternal Life Gospel AssemblyRev Ebenezer Oyede'i Word of Life Mission Int'l Bishop Emma Omon Radiant ChurchPastor Emmanuel Adeshina His Divine Power Int'l Christian Centre Pastor Emnnuel Akinloye CLMC Pastor Emmauel Bus-Kwofie Pastor Emmanuel Onotota LFBCRev Emmanuel Onototh LFBCEvang Enikanoselu CCC Elephant & Castle Parish Rev (Barr) Ernest Thunderbolt Dominion Assembly Church Pastor Fadiora Taiwo CAC Ministry Rev Felicity Konadu Ade'i Word Miracle Church, GhanaPastor Fex Akinbola H.A.C.C.Pastor Francis Obasogie Grace & Glory Ministries Rev Francis Oladimeji Liberty Connections Pastor David & Sandra French Christ the Rock MinistriesRev, G. A. lion Christ Gospel Church Pastor George Nee Otov Christ Model Church Ministries WorldwidePastor Gideon Appoh Gideon Appoh MinistriesRev Gloria Boakye - DankwaRev H Palm Unique Salvation Ministries Pastor (Mrs) Henrietta Kounakai Light of the World Int'l Ministries Mr Henry Hilaire Pastor Holcaud Kouadid Living SpringIsaac John KICC Rev Ivan Murrell Pastors Jeremiah & Elizabeth Emuchay C.P.M Rev.& Mrs Jeyecks Prophet Jide Peter-Thomas Warriors for Christ Intl Dr Jide Layiwola KICC Rev and Mrs Joe Pelliprin Pastor John Omaka C.A.C. Amazing Grace InternationalRev Johnny Omede Household of Faith Chritian Centre Pastor Johnson Akinfenwa Deacon Joshua Akingbade HA0 4JPPastor Julius Adisa Pastor Kemi Johnson Kingsvine Church Pastor Kenneth Zoumavo The Truth Sets FreeRev. Kizito Jegede Powervine MinistriesMinister Korede Oguntoye Supreme Church Rev Kunte Shrakatu Oasis Community Pastor L. Ajayl CACRev Lijertwood Jesus International Outreach MinistriesPastor Linden Brown Outreach Int'l MinistriesRev Lloyd & Cathleen Ramsay House of El Shaddal Int.Pastor Isaac Mac Attram Ark of Christ Mission Rev Marionelyn McKenz-Campbell Petra Global MinistriesPastor Martins Ogunsan CAC Mount Joy Evang Mary Achimugu F.F.T.L,M Pastor Matthew Omor The Betivers Mission Church of GodRev Michael Fajoye United Prayer Ministry Rev Miracle Unwetak King Vine ChurchPastor Moses Mujaguzi Pastor 0 Aderele Rev 0 David Sola Roayal Connections Pastor (Mrs) 0. Ibikunle R.C.C.G Pastor Ola I Ojo HOTR Pastor Yomi & Mrs Annie Ogunlesi RCGG Milton Keynes Rev. David & Pastor Gene Pastor Ojegba TV.I.M Pastor Olalere GAG Mount Zion Paslor & Mrs Olaleye New Hope Christian Ministeries Pastor Olaleye Pastor Oludare Agboola C.AC. Amazing Grace International Pastor Olugbenga Falodun Trinity HousePastor Oluwole Pastor Omotokunbo Sanny Men of Insight Barr Oscar Izeyor Dominion Assembly ChurchPastor Pat Agdomar Glory of the Cross MinistdesBishop Simon Iheanacho UKWET Pastor Soji Francis Christ Kingdom Miracle Centre Evang Stephen Adejumo Bible Church Pastor Steve Adewole BTIC Rev T Oyede Rev Timothy Oladipo Kings Chapel Bishop Tony K Soku Torchbearers Worldwide Ministries (Rhema Worship Centre)Pastor Tunde Atebion Christ Worship CentrePastor Tunde Ogedengbe Tunde Olufemi Pastor Vernon Arendse House of El ShaddaiPastor Vicky Shaw Evang Victor Jordan Mount Carmel, Pentecostal Pastor Wale Olidana Harmony Christian Centre Rev William ShortPastor Yemi Arasanmi Ministry Pastor Yinka Akirwinoye CTRMPastor (Rev) Yonii Kasali Foursquare Cily on The Hill Calvary ChapelYves Edorh WeslminisarPastor Femi Popoda RCCG Praise Tabernacle David Smith Sutton Christian Centre Richmoney Kennedy Disciples of Christ Mini Inc Tunji Adebayo RCCG - CLF Dr. Sola Fola-Acade Trinity Chapel, Stratford (RCCG)William Lambe International Gospel ChurchPaul Sands (Senior Pastor) International Gospel Church. Chairman of Beulau Churches Apostalic Team of Life in the Spirit Scholastica Mokake RCCG The Chapel NorwichRev. G.A. Ilori Christ Gospel Church Pastor Mary Omoyele Afolabi RCCG Jubilee House For All NationsPastor Janet Adedipe RCCG Redemption Parish Pamela Chimekuse .


Christian persecution in Scotland.

* I am no defender of this gentleman under normal circumstances as he lends his support to the undermining of our society through an alien body; the EU, but on this occasion......
I have only just caught up with this piece of information but it says so much about our society today that I could not leave it out.
In early 2006 a Member of the Scottish Parliament called in Strathclyde Police to investigate remarks made by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Glasgow. The Archbishop had defended marriage in a church service.
Well done to Mario Conti for once! Shame on the MSP. Shame on the Police for taking any notice whatsoever of a passing bigot.

The Scottish parliamentarians are not covering themselves with much glory, are they?
As for the Archbishop -'hoisted by his own petard' as some might mischievously suggest!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"Suffering proves God doesn't exist." Logical?

I really do not know why children are not taught logic in schools. (I sound like old Professor Kirk in 'The Lion ,The Witch and The Wardrobe'). There is no logic in saying that God is disproved by the existence of negatives - or even evil. Furthermore, to disprove something is considerably harder than to prove it.
Terrible things could disprove a LOVING God, but not the existence of any God. The first idea is a non sequitur. (To be fair, one is logically entitled to ask whether there might be more than one God.)
There are two major points to the issue:-
Firstly, sin in the world is a logical consequence of freewill. We have minds and are clearly able to make choices for good or ill. However defined, sin is the issue. The Christian claim is that ALL bad things - even natural disasters - are the consequence of *sin. The outsider/seeker/atheist/agnostic cannot come to terms with this point from their existing position and therefore perceive this incorrectly as a weakness in the Christian argument. It is like arguing that there could not possibly be an Eiffel Tower. The person who has been to Paris is then at a considerable advantage over the non-believer who refuses to travel to find out.
Once 'in The Kingdom' the Christian knows a great deal more; principally and empirically, the goodness of God.
Secondly, there is the issue of God's promise "Seek and you will find." This clearly links to the 'Parisian argument'. Nobody has any right to claim the non-existence of God if they have not 'followed all the clues' first.
How many people do you know who have honestly and openly sought God and NOT found Him?

* A quite full definition of sin might be - "Wrongdoing; rebellion against God and that which puts a barrier between Man and God."

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

That book again!

It strikes me that I have not mentioned a certain book for quite some time. It continues to sell steadily and does not appear to be offending too many Christians - something I had been prepared to risk as this challenging, violent novel based on revenge was written entirely with the intention of 'getting the Gospel across to people who would never think of reading a Christian book'. It was also intended as a 'thundering good read'. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

How and where to buy.

Cheaper if you are able to contact me directly for a signed copy - (signature halves the value.)

Relative and absolute poverty.

How can I possibly give? - I'm not rich.

If you are a Bible believer, then clearly you must not be greedy, avaricious and self-centred. You are expected to be open, generous and filled with love for your fellow man.
Personally, I do not bother too much with those who simply have less than I do in our nation. I have worked hard for what I have, I have managed my money extremely carefully and it is difficult to be in absolute poverty in the UK. Nonetheless, I am exceptionally glad that my own Church is now uniting with Christians Against Poverty, working in the locality, even if this does not fire me up especially.
However my son Simon, has recently completed four and a half months in Malawi working for a medical aid charity. I am now fully aware what real poverty means; absolute poverty - and I am against it!
Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on!Go on! (Would you like a cuppa tea, reader?)
Give til it hurts! Tear Fund awaits. You know you want to. You know you should!

Monday, July 10, 2006

How to spot a cult.

Not all cults are filled with the kind of people who drag you off to have a suicide party. Many are just quietly sinister and lead you away from the Gospel.
Here are four of the easiest ways to spot a cult!
1) Extra texts which 'add to or take away from' the legitimacy of the Scriptures. These include such as The Book of Mormon and retranslated Bibles which differ from all standard translations in order to justify theological points not found in the original. The new world translation of JWs being a case in point.
2) An often charismatic character as leader whose authority goes beyond Scripture. We may think of: Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Herbert W Armstrong,Charles Taze Russell, Moses David, Jim Jones, Kim Il Myung Sung Moon and countless others.
3) A more subtle problem is often harder to spot - cults which operate to a 'salvation by works' belief system thus denying God's Grace. Admittedly "Faith without works is dead" - James 2:26 - but we cannot be 'saved by works'.
4) It is rare for a Church which is trinitarian to be a cult. There are very few cults which are not unitarian.
A profound study of Scripture across the Testaments proves that God reveals Himself in Three Persons. One God in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Churches which miss this have no concept of the depths of God's sacrifice for mankind and soon go wrong on many other matters.

Note. On occasions cults such as the JWs have attacked me on this saying "One+one+one=three gods." This shows how limited both their mathematical and theological thinking really is. "One X One X One = ONE!" - Of course God would always reflect multiplication rather than mere addition!

Of course: brainwashing, disassociation from family and "give us all your money" are some other minor clues to help you spot a cult.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Defender of Faith?

I am what you might describe as a 'luke-warm royalist' - largely because I think abandoning pageantry and tradition diminishes the nation. I am also terrified of what would replace our Head of State. Imagine an elected H of S. Fancy choosing between Geldof , Branson or some party nominated, failed politician with an axe to grind?
Prince Charles however, is a problem to the Church. At best, he is a liberal Anglican; his marital history gives cause for disquiet; he was a long time under the influence of that 'spiritual nutter' L.Van DerPost and he wants to "defend faith" not "THE" faith. This is 'inclusivity', kowtowing to the PC brigade and embracing multifaith pap, all in one go.
Queen Elizabeth - LONG MAY SHE REIGN!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Silent Christians.

As a political writer, I am all too aware that newspapers are not unwilling to publish me when I write in to discuss the ineptitude, expense and corruption of the EU. Nonetheless, it is considerably more difficult to get an evangelical letter published - [although a few do get through] - and almost impossible to get letters into the press which attack the alleged scientific base of evolution.
The more evangelicals write in, the greater the chances of our views being represented. Why not promise yourself to write one letter per week and E Mail it to various newspapers? It can do some good.
Should you choose to do so, please remember the following tips. Do not quote Scripture at readers. Do not pontificate. Do not generally mention either God or Jesus by name. Do not assume that people should accept your opinion because that is what the Christian view happens to be! These are just too easy to attack and will attract atheistic writers like bees around a honeypot who will then get more space than you had! No point in writing, then? - Au contraire.
Use logic and not what others will perceive as being mere opinions.

eg) "If the Christian teaching on sex before marriage had some currency in our nation today, then........... would not be the problem it is."
Go on. Have a go!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Fred Trueman: died 4th July 2006.

It was not generally known that, [and I hereby quote John Arlott,] "the finest bloody fast bowler ever to draw breath" was in fact, a practising and devoted Christian. Those who knew him best were all aware of this. If my memory recalls accurately, he was a member of the Church of England.
A man who never suffered fools gladly and one with a deep social conscience, he will be deeply missed.
He was my first ever 'hero'. "Sithee, Fred."

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Cheshire homes.

A Cheshire Home.

Will the politically correct never learn? The ordinary members of the public are expected to embrace their stagnant orthodoxy as if it were Holy Writ but lefties and their hangers-on apparently, are entitled to offend anybody as they try to force their thinking upon us all.
After the shambles at the Red Cross, it is now the turn of the Leonard Cheshire Foundation where passing buffoons have decided that the charity should have a new, all-inclusive title. Well, stuff that. There are always plenty of worthy charities to donate to - I always scratch the leftie ones automatically off my list.

Leonard Cheshire VC was one of our greatest and noblest war heroes. He was present as an observer at Nagasaki.Thereafter, this Christian man devoted his life to helping humanity. He was a very sincere Roman Catholic.
And these midgets would diminish his memory?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


When one branch of the Church stagnates, another springs up. Roman Catholicism was in deep, spiritual trouble by the start of the sixteenth century what with the Borgias - the evil Pope Alexander the Sixth, simony and the sale of indulgences, to name just three issues, and protestantism got what most commentators consider to be its major boost in 1519 with the serious emergence of Martin Luther at Wittenberg.
The various new denominations arose - almost always because of stagnation of the once fresh denominations which preceded them. In no particular order, came: the Lutherans, Baptists, Quakers, Congregationalists and many more.
The line is perhaps easier to follow post Wesley. Methodism revitalised the sagging Anglican Church and was itself refreshed by Primitive Methodism which in turn gave rise to the various Pentecostal Churches. Then came House Churches, then......
God always selects his sold-out-to-Him believers to do one of two things. Either they begin a new movement or they create a whirlwind like renewal in the older denominations.
What comes next for us? Our nation is 'sick unto death'. Either the Second Coming is the next stage or there is something exciting which God has planned for the 'elect'.
Are our sordid, amoral, gutless, self-serving, God-denying politicians leading us inexorably towards that point when God says no more?
It was a Las Vegas comedian, I believe, who made the joke: "If God does not judge Los Angeles soon, He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology."
Many a true word spoken in jest!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Marx was a satanist.

What do the Scriptures say about bad trees being unable to produce good fruit? From his student days, Marx rejected the Christianity of his boyhood in Trier.
He wrote: " I long to take vengeance on the One who rules from above." Not exactly the words of a proclaimed atheist, are they? He believed in God - and hated Him.
In his poem "The Player," Marx wrote: " The hellish vapours rise and fill the brain, Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed. See this sword? The prince of darkness Sold it to me. For me he beats the time and gives the signs. Ever more boldly I play the dance of death."
His unfinished work 'Oulanem' was a tribute to Satan. His maid - I do not know if this is the same one he got pregnant {in a very egalitarian sort of way} - reported seeing him worshipping at an altar with candles and bedecked in black.
There are a great many clues to his beliefs which perhaps warrant study from leftwingers who claim to be Christian. What is perhaps less clear is whether or not he actually was a freemason. It appears that he may well have been but the evidence is less than conclusive.

In the mid 90s 'Le Figaro' had totalled up 165 million deaths which could be laid directly at the feet of Communism - and lefties dare to claim that most wars are all about 'religion!'

You could not make it up!

I have just learned that the writings of the witch Teresa Moorey are being advertised on an Anglican website.
Obviously, I shall not give this the oxygen of further publicity.

Ze Roberto

Did you enjoy the World Cup? - Me neither, I was rather disappointed that arguably the best team in the tournament was so poorly managed.
On the up side, the competition did feature some players who are not afraid to proclaim their faith.
Stand up Ze Roberto, the Brazilian star.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Socialism - a false doctrine.

In the early days of the Labour Party , the fundamental flaws of socialism were disguised by the connections to Methodism and many other Christian groups.
The basic problem is that Marx and the considerably more intelligent Engels, produced ideas which were entirely based on the principle that "mankind is the engineer of its own salvation."
This is so out of line with Christian teaching that it must have disturbed many of the early socialists as their political creed was no more nor less than diluted marxism.
Socialism is therefore, an optimistic belief system. Any process which relies on the "basic goodness and altruism of humanity" is destined to be a disaster; indeed socialism today requires a 'nanny state' control of lives and apparently rewards the undeserving to the cost of the decent, hardworking and honest. Surely, only the most politically blinkered could be happy with such outcomes? This has the 'double whammy' of weakening a society and removing the positive virtues such as self reliance.
Capitalism has its many weaknesses - not least the promotion of selfishness but it is difficult to argue that socialism is to any significant degree, less selfish. The dishonest and in some cases evil practices of Trade Unions in the 60s and 70s were hardly any better than the very worst excesses of the capitalist bosses. I have worked in a variety of places where the Unions were entirely motivated by hard left, political machinations and so I know whereof I speak.
Capitalism has one advantage - it works to the 'reality of what man is' and not the benevolent being he is expected to be. It understands the nature of man. Socialists, and today the liberal left, do not. Without massive Christian input - an impossibility today - socialism is a doomed-to-fail belief system.

Top photo Keir Hardie. Second photo Karl Marx.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Lib Dems scorn Christianity!

The thing about the Liberal Democrats is that they generally favour Christianity provided that: it is NEVER classed as superior to any other religion - irrespective of its intellectual base; it never offends; it never claims to be "the only way"; it never tries to convert; it remains silent on political issues; it meets politically correct criteria on matters such as homosexuality and it it keeps a profile so low as to be non-existent. [Funny that. I have just described the Labour Party and Green attitude as well.]
Lib Dem education spokesperson, Phil Willis, has recently launched a searing attack on the Gateshead Academy for daring to suggest that evolution is not a proven fact but merely a theory. May I suggest that both are wrong - evolution is an unproved and probably unprovable hypothesis. It is does not become fact on the say-so of Attenborough - yet another evolutionist who cravenly refuses to debate with scientists who hold the opposite view.
Mr Willis apparently said to the NUT conference: "We must not stand by and see our children become the fodder for the extreme views of religious fundamentalists or their wealthy backers."

[Oh! And with breathtaking insensitivity he made his comments on Easter Sunday. Any chance of Mr Willis attacking a moslem school on a moslem holy day? - Thought not.]
Strange when his party is prepared to allow any old propaganda on behalf of: abortion,the EU, 'gay rights', so-called positive discrimination and much, much more.
*Incidentally, my son who attended both state and private schools, has visited this 'Vardy school' and was absolutely astounded by the overall quality of education offered; the moral teaching and the staggering results achieved.

It takes a real stretch of conscience for Christians to remain members of either Labour or the Liberal Democrats. I suppose they salve their consciences with the thought that they are "working to change from within." - Good luck!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Brainwashing schoolchildren.

The "core" of this new addition to the curriculum is "to understand the essential concept of European identity, multiculturalism and respect for human rights". All sounds very familiar, doesn't it?
According to Education Minister Bill Rammell, these proposals carry a "moral and political obligation". Since when has it been the function of our education system to impose "political obligations" on children? I hope parents of schoolchildren start asking serious questions.
Dave Pascoe,
Press Secretary, Hartlepool Branch, UK Independent Party.
