Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Channel Four.

I am sure that my readers are sufficiently broadminded to accept the non stop stream of : so-called erotica, sleaze, pseudo scientific investigations of sexual practices, excuses to show genitalia and a selection of films which not too long ago would have had the Channel Four board languishing in a cell.
We shall let that pass. Let us consider the plethora of programmes which have been shown promoting Islam under the guise of: documentaries, information and multicutural understanding.
Now let us consider the opening two paragraphs. Do these two attitudes overlap? Of course they do not but they reflect perfectly the attitudes of the liberal elite. [The inevitable collision of these disparate belief systems could be amusing. See posting: "A Difficult Choice."]
Meanwhile, Channel Four has of course, given the oily and odious Professor Dawkins a platform from which to belabour Christianity. ["The root of all evil."] It also presents evolution as a proven fact - it is not alone amongst the media with that. It has also directly promoted atheism and has made at least one disgraceful programme, 'Dispatches' March 6th, attacking and illogically mocking evangelical belief - all without the right of proper reply. I know. I have complained, asked and been wilfully ignored - not even the courtesy of a response. All this in a matter of months. The media moulds minds. It has access to the young, the foolish and the terminally simple. It also has access to the more intelligent young people who have been prepared for this assault throughout their often wretched education.
Onto the attack. Write and complain to: them directly, your MP, newspapers and any Internet Forum. Complain to Governing bodies and watchdogs. Use local radio phone-ins but write down your points and do try to anticipate what the probably liberal presenter will throw back at you. Always adopt adopt a highly reasonable tone of voice. Talk Radio is often prepared to put you on nationally - particularly late at night. So watch out for the next piece of Channel Four rubbish. I promise you - the wait will be a short one!
If you really are a Christian why are you doing nothing in the face of such clear wrongdoing?

Note. Michael Grade who earned the title "Britain's pornograher-in-chief" from The Daily Mail when he was top man at Channel 4 and who guided it down their present broad path, is now permanent Chairman of Governors at the Beeb! Worried yet?

Learning From Joseph.
