Sunday, July 02, 2006

Lib Dems scorn Christianity!

The thing about the Liberal Democrats is that they generally favour Christianity provided that: it is NEVER classed as superior to any other religion - irrespective of its intellectual base; it never offends; it never claims to be "the only way"; it never tries to convert; it remains silent on political issues; it meets politically correct criteria on matters such as homosexuality and it it keeps a profile so low as to be non-existent. [Funny that. I have just described the Labour Party and Green attitude as well.]
Lib Dem education spokesperson, Phil Willis, has recently launched a searing attack on the Gateshead Academy for daring to suggest that evolution is not a proven fact but merely a theory. May I suggest that both are wrong - evolution is an unproved and probably unprovable hypothesis. It is does not become fact on the say-so of Attenborough - yet another evolutionist who cravenly refuses to debate with scientists who hold the opposite view.
Mr Willis apparently said to the NUT conference: "We must not stand by and see our children become the fodder for the extreme views of religious fundamentalists or their wealthy backers."

[Oh! And with breathtaking insensitivity he made his comments on Easter Sunday. Any chance of Mr Willis attacking a moslem school on a moslem holy day? - Thought not.]
Strange when his party is prepared to allow any old propaganda on behalf of: abortion,the EU, 'gay rights', so-called positive discrimination and much, much more.
*Incidentally, my son who attended both state and private schools, has visited this 'Vardy school' and was absolutely astounded by the overall quality of education offered; the moral teaching and the staggering results achieved.

It takes a real stretch of conscience for Christians to remain members of either Labour or the Liberal Democrats. I suppose they salve their consciences with the thought that they are "working to change from within." - Good luck!

Learning From Joseph.