Thursday, July 06, 2006

Cheshire homes.

A Cheshire Home.

Will the politically correct never learn? The ordinary members of the public are expected to embrace their stagnant orthodoxy as if it were Holy Writ but lefties and their hangers-on apparently, are entitled to offend anybody as they try to force their thinking upon us all.
After the shambles at the Red Cross, it is now the turn of the Leonard Cheshire Foundation where passing buffoons have decided that the charity should have a new, all-inclusive title. Well, stuff that. There are always plenty of worthy charities to donate to - I always scratch the leftie ones automatically off my list.

Leonard Cheshire VC was one of our greatest and noblest war heroes. He was present as an observer at Nagasaki.Thereafter, this Christian man devoted his life to helping humanity. He was a very sincere Roman Catholic.
And these midgets would diminish his memory?

Learning From Joseph.