Sunday, July 23, 2006

War in Iraq.

I am not going to look at the rights and wrongs of this involvement of ours in Iraq - there really are good arguments on both sides AND I have not forgotten that the polls around the time we went in advocated our involvement. People simply got sick of it all VERY quickly.
BUT, I have two questions:
1) Why us? Why not Sweden or France or anybody? Why our young men and our taxpayers?
2) What is the matter with the Tories? Blair lied and convinced them to support him. So when that was revealed, why did they not withdraw support and demand the return of our troops?
Of the four largest parties then, it is only UKIP and the Lib Dems who reflect the views of the people. I wonder how often these two will coincide in opinion? The Labour left are of course, squirming with embarrassment. Galloway's (dis)Respect is a disgrace.
AND the Christian view? The trouble is that once in, we may leave a mess by withdrawing. Still, I find little of God in any of this. I do not necessarily subscribe to the taproom view that "It's all about oil, innit?" but the political machinations alone make the whole project sordid and dishonest. Christians should not support such.
Even the left cannot be wrong ALL the time.


Learning From Joseph.