Saturday, July 22, 2006

Polish Catholics in for a shock!

New Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski showed a touching belief this week when he informed the Polish people that he would be working hard so that Poland could be in the EU but not see Polish "full sovereignty in culture and morals" affected by that membership.
I am afraid that this is either political naivety of the highest degree or he is deliberately deceiving the solidly Roman Catholic Poles who, as a nation, have no desire to see so-called homosexual marriages foisted on them. [Remember William Hague's "in the EU but not of the EU"?]
Kaczynski has vowed to defend Christian marriage. His chances of being able to do this remain between nil and zero.
This matter will be brought before EU courts by some disgruntled individual with an agenda and put simply, Poland will lose. There will be calls then for Poland to pull out of European Courts BUT they cannot do so and remain in the EU. Their politicians will then insist that Poland stays in the EU and will work against their people.

Sorry to be so depressing but we have seen all these kinds of things too many times before.

Paradox. The EU has built in a pro Catholic, anti Protestant bias. You are now wondering how these these disparate elements can work as described. See earlier postings where the Liberal Elite admires both Islam AND homosexuality. The principle remains the same.

Update: 31/8/06
Poland's new conservative prime minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, painted a picture of a tolerant, gay-friendly Poland on his first visit to Brussels,but warned that any new EU constitution must give Warsaw real clout inEU-decision making.


Learning From Joseph.