Thursday, July 13, 2006

Christian persecution in Scotland.

* I am no defender of this gentleman under normal circumstances as he lends his support to the undermining of our society through an alien body; the EU, but on this occasion......
I have only just caught up with this piece of information but it says so much about our society today that I could not leave it out.
In early 2006 a Member of the Scottish Parliament called in Strathclyde Police to investigate remarks made by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Glasgow. The Archbishop had defended marriage in a church service.
Well done to Mario Conti for once! Shame on the MSP. Shame on the Police for taking any notice whatsoever of a passing bigot.

The Scottish parliamentarians are not covering themselves with much glory, are they?
As for the Archbishop -'hoisted by his own petard' as some might mischievously suggest!

Learning From Joseph.