Sunday, July 23, 2006

Liars! There is no other word.

In 1973 we moved to Darnall in Sheffield. Periodically, a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses appeared on our doorstep predicting Armageddon/the end of the world in 1975. [For those not paying proper attention at the time, I must explain that this did not actually happen]
By 1976 we had moved to the Handsworth part of Sheffield. The very same couple turned up on our doorsteps? I challenged them whilst tactfully and kindly pointing out how wrong they had been and happened to mention that 'death by stoning' is the correct Scriptural punishment for a false prophet. They stood barefaced and stated categorically that neither they nor the Watchtower Society had ever propounded such doctrines. I have been told the same by other JWs in subsequent years, although to be fair, some have simply shrugged shoulders and been dismissive.


Learning From Joseph.