Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Evolution? - Polystrate fossils do not agree!

Mark Isaak, evolutionist, refutes the problems caused to uniformitarian geology by polystrate fossils with this piece of disingenuous nonsense: " Sudden deposition is not a problem for uniformitarian geology. Single floods can deposit sediments up to several feet thick. Furthermore, trees buried in such sediments do not die and decay immediately; the trunks can remain there for years or even decades."

Here is the point. The existence of polystrate fossils is the largest single embarrassment for those who follow the evolutionary hypothesis. Think about it. How can a tree stand upright and have its branches gradually covered by '400 million years' worth of geological deposits. Do trees not rot over 400 million years?

"Decades", indeed! John Mackay, (pictured above) the geologist and expert in coal formations, is one of the world's leading experts on polystrate fossils.
Note how the evolutionist brazenly ignores polystrate fossils which have been found
to go through what they claim to be 400 million years old rock.

Make up your mind! Either decades - which makes sense - or your 400 million years, which certainly do not.

That News Warms My Heart.

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