Monday, January 19, 2009

Social Improvement.

Over the last half century living standards have improved beyond all recognition in the UK. We have grown to accept variety, the exotic, amazing technologies and wonderful breakthroughs in medical fields.
Most organisations which deal with the public have altered their systems to make them 'consumer friendly' and yet ... and yet ...

Firstly, we have paid a terrible price for all of this opulence. Almost all of these 'advances' have a 'downside'; they act as a two-edged sword which we tend so easily not to recognise.
We have lost so much. We are an arrogant people now; we believe in man ahead of God and need to use a misdirected political correctness to get people to act with any degree of propriety at all - it cannot work.
We are beset by crime, overcrowding,'summat for nowt' philosophies and we possess a belief that the universe revolves around us.
Our society is decadent, introverted and increasingly undemocratic. Whatever happened to simple decency? It is disappearing at a frightening rate. We have foolishly allowed the political class to have increasing powers over the direction of our lives.
Secondly - I wonder if the whole illusion may be revealed as just that. Is the bubble about to burst? - Certainly, we have never been closer to that point!

That News Warms My Heart.

Pro-abortion group pays over $186K to settle campaign fraud claims. By  Ryan Foley , Christian Post Reporter  Monday, January 06, 2025 iStoc...