Sunday, January 04, 2009


For many years, fair-minded people argued against racism and in favour of a well integrated society.
How could they possibly have been wrong, either pragmatically or from a Christian point of view?

Then along come the politically correct demanding something totally different - multiculturalism!
The folly of this has been clear from the outset. It is creating a bevy of mini societies under a UK umbrella and requires the host nation to change culturally and practically in order to accommodate the belief.
Astonishingly, portions of the population today are so dense that a great many have used the words 'integration' and 'multiculturalism' interchangeably as if talking about the same thing. [!!??]
That customary weapon - accusations of political incorrectness - has been used to silence public dissent.

Multiculturalism promotes division and eventually hatred. One has to wonder whether this was not actually the intention. The promoters of this cult are not stupid - therefore, I am afraid that we have to impute sinister motives to their actions.

That News Warms My Heart.

Pro-abortion group pays over $186K to settle campaign fraud claims. By  Ryan Foley , Christian Post Reporter  Monday, January 06, 2025 iStoc...