Friday, July 31, 2009

Love is still needed.

I recently posted photos of people for whom I pray regularly. They were some of those for whom I feel extremely negative thoughts.
They could be seen as enemies to a proper society; enemies to me personally, perhaps; enemies to the Gospel.
When Jesus overturned the Temple tables - was this an act of hatred? - Surely not!
Jesus requires us 'to love our enemies' - and I try so to do. It can be extremely difficult to love somebody for whom you feel scorn. [Should 'the scorn' even be there? That is trickier.] - But we are required to 'fight the good fight' and 'seek righteousness'. I can have no belief in a 'wimpish Christianity'. Prayer is essential but that is not all - we must act too.
All very difficult as a balance but it must be attempted. I do not care too greatly for the Christian axiom "Hate the sin - love the sinner" as it tends to be rather glib. But sometimes it does rather capture the point.
They may try to wreck our nation but I shall always pray for them and genuinely want the best for them when they meet their Maker.
Christians must never forget this point - we are here to demonstrate the love of the Saviour.
It's quite a fine balance - isn't it?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Poverty, poverty knock?

Oh dear. Here we go again. "Two million pensioners living in poverty." Rubbish! Where is the definition? How many have no access to medical care? How many have no water? How many have no food? How many are living in rags? How many have no TV or washing machine?
When told this nonsense, how often is poverty clearly defined?
My son who worked for a medical charity in Malawi will happily define poverty for you!
Should pensioners get more? - Probably, yes. Is heating a problem for some? - Indubitably.
Do other Western nations do better for their old folk than we do? - Certainly.
But poverty????

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Don't give to charity ........ unless.....

Don't give to charity ..... unless you know what they do with the money; unless you know their nature; unless you know how much is wasted on advertising and admin.
Naturally, I am not advocating that you give less - on the contrary - I am concerned that the word 'charity' is sufficient for many to have them reaching for a spare pound coin and in some cases to work for organisations whose agendas might horrify. Some are actually social menaces.
I refuse to give to leftwing groups, anti Christian groups and the politically correct.
That removes many from my giving list.
DO NOT ASSUME that because the headline aim appears to be a good one that its intentions are valid.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Atheist camps?

The egregious Professor Dawkins is busy setting up atheist camps for youngsters.

I am spluttering in disbelief!

Perhaps he should read those scriptural bits about sea and millstones!

Monday, July 27, 2009


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary". (Thanks for the reminder, Jane!)

Henry Louis Mencken.

[Please make your own lists!]


“Is it really credible that random processes could have constructed a reality, the smallest element of which - a functional protein or gene - is complex beyond ... anything produced by the intelligence of man?”

Michael Denton, - Molecular Biologist Evolutionist: A Theory in Crisis (London: Burnett Books, 1985) p 342.


Rewards for your labour? - No! Punishments preferred.

Punishment is virtually absent today for petty crime AND to a worrying degree, for serious, life-threatening crimes.
Not to worry though, punishment is alive and well and targeted at people who: like to heat their houses, have nice views, have a car, enjoy a holiday, eat varied diets, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or who try to lead a better or more interesting life.
This is what the left are all about today. They have long abandoned the idea of trying to raise standards of living - no - influenced by Greens (and seeing the taxation possibilities within) they are determined to drag people downwards.
This is precisely the same principle employed with their destruction of the grammar schools and we have paid a massive price for that over decades.
They need to be careful. Disincentivising society is a dangerous way to go. People need to feel that working hard will have rewards.

This is the main reason why the USSR fell - incentives were absent.

Proverbs 21:20 -
New International Version In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.

Responding to dislike.

What do I do about people I dislike?

I am a Christian. It is simple - I pray for them!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

No proof yet accepted.

“It is good to keep in mind ... that nobody has ever succeeded in producing even one new species by the accumulation of micromutations. Darwin’s theory of [evolution by] natural selection has never had any proof, yet it has been universally accepted.”

Prof. R. Goldschmidt, - PhD, DSc Prof. Zoology, University of Calif. In Material Basis of Evolution Yale Univ. Press.

Secular Sanderson.

Mr Terry Sanderson of The Secular Society has had yet another airing on Radio Humberside's 'God slot'.
This time it is with a demand for these to have 'non religious thoughts' as a balance.

If this man wants 'balance on the Beeb' - I am all for it but I suspect that he won't like what he gets!
Imagine! - A creationist response to every piece of Attenborough-style, unproved evolutionary assertions.
A Christian response every time abortion is mentioned.
A Christian response every time a secular comment is made - that would be rather nice.
Of course, the man does not want 'balance' - he wants to undermine and destroy.

The scariest video Christians have ever seen?

Birth rates of different cultures don't matter to me, do they?
Are you sure?
Are you so sure that you will not bother to watch this video?
[Thanks, Dave!] [Sound required]

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Harry Patch.

R.I.P. Harry.


Dr Read.

Rupert Read, Green candidate in the Norwich North by-election, apparently compared eating meat to the holocaust!

If you have ever wondered why I am quite so anti-Green - there are just so many reasons, not the least of which is the total loss of all sense of reality.

They really have little grasp of the lives of ordinary people.

Given their way they would cast off our few remaining border controls; would be considerably nicer to the criminal classes; would happily see us having no foreign holidays; would ration our electricity; would ban private transport - and all of this before moving towards the marxism which so many of them adore.

If their green policies made sense and could be implemented without turning the clock back several hundred years, they would not be so bad.
Naturally, many of their policies are frequently based on extremely questionable science.

Go on, Rupert. You can have the prestigious award of a LoonyTunesWatch coconut - you've really earned it!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Scandal of BBC bias!

Friday, 24th July 2009

UKIP's historic by-election result is a cause for celebration by party supporters, says UKIP Leader Nigel Farage:
"Everyone worked extremely hard for an excellent result and we congratulate our candidate Glenn Tingle, a real local guy, who has shown by the massive support he's received in Norwich North that the British people really do identify with the UK Independence Party and what it stands for."Glenn's huge popularity saw UKIP record the biggest percentage gain of the top five contenders, surging a record 9.5% this time around to poll 4,068 votes, representing nearly 12% of the total cast.A delighted Glenn said: "This result shows that we are major league – bring on the General Election! "But UKIP'S best-ever by-election performance in Norwich North has been soured by the BBC's stubborn refusal to give the party's result the recognition it deserves.The result could have been even better had the BBC not refused to give Glenn Tingle and UKIP the airtime it deserved, preferring to allow a minor party such as the Greens on television panels and radio discussions.Nigel Farage is furious at the snub.He said: "There is a clear bias in the BBC against the UK Independence Party and this result shows that they are wrong in freezing us out of key political television and radio programmes.""We've shown in Norwich North that we are a major player on the UK political scene and that our performance in the European Elections, where we recorded the second highest percentage of vote among all the parties, was no fluke.

Nice one, Pete!

Ukip's eastern regional organiser, Pete Reeve, scored a double win, taking Cambridgeshire County Council's Ramsey division in a poll delayed from last month by a candidate's death and winning a by-election for the Huntingdonshire District ward of the same name.

Prepared to forgive? - It's a toughie!

That in a just, properly ordered world, Patrick McGee's life would have ended on the end of a rope, is close to unarguable.
The low-life, IRA bomb planter served 25 years for his part in the Brighton Hotel bombings and has not shown one whit of remorse whatsoever.
He is now able to get on with his life not having paid off even a fraction of 'his debt to society'. The same cannot be said for a great many others, their families and friends.

Lord Tebbit is constantly urged to forgive him and is unwilling to do so but then, he is a noted atheist and feels this is unreasonable.
Had justice been served - which is the scriptural way - forgiveness comes more easily. It is a complete process: society punishes, the individual forgives.
It is good to forgive - but difficult to do so when there is no repentance, justice has manifestly not been done as a precursor and we must remember too that God does not forgive unconditionally.
Jesus showed us the correct attitude from the cross when He said "Father forgive them, they know not what they do."
But did God forgive them? - We cannot know but the answer is probably negative as repentance is still required.
God is always prepared to forgive. If we cannot as Christians forgive where there is no repentance - we must too, at the very least, be willing to forgive!
This is a difficult area for many as it is widely thought that Christians should forgive without reference to anything else.
What Lord Tebbit will not have grasped as a non Christian is that the attitude he develops is more about him than it is about McGee. Forgiveness will bring him greater peace.
I pray for the noble gentleman and especially for his wife.
I pray too that God will melt the heart of the appalling McGee!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Who created whom?

That atheists, and perhaps even agnostics, should argue that 'Man created God in his own image' is one thing, that this should be found in the Church is quite something else.
"But that is not to be found in the Church anywhere" do I hear you say?

Consider the times when so-called liberal Christians insist that 'Bible morality is outmoded'. What have they done other than to question God and to replace His teaching with 'the wisdom of modern man'.

L'Ententente Cordiale?

British schoolchildren with swine flu were treated like 'dangerous criminals' before being kicked out of France.
The 14-year-olds and their teachers were forced to wear surgical masks and shoes while being treated by medics in anti-contamination suits.
They were sworn at by local people and told to 'go home to your disease-ridden country'.
Time and again French selfishness comes to the fore and how unpleasant it is when it emerges. Their attitudes to flooding the UK with illegals; burning British lamb; refusing entry to British beef years after every 'mad cow' had long been slaughtered; nastiness at borders and their sheer mardiness [sorry, I'm a Lincolnshire lad!] simply make you despair!

The European Union can never be reformed as it was built totally around French self interest - the Common Agricultural Policy is a major straitjacket to our nation.The French will never permit changes. The French & Germans effectively run The EU betweeen them.

Remember this! Our europhiles constantly justify our membership of that iniquitous organisation by speaking of utopian futures, idealistic dreams and a quasi marxist, tear-filled insistence that we shall all march together 'forward as one'! - Well that is piffle. Surely, you would think, just looking at French attitudes would destroy all such nonsense - but sadly not.

If you do have the opportunity to buy British goods instead of French - please do so! If not and the choice is between French and Hungarian - GO Magyar!

Read more:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thought provoking.

'Some sources say that over 80% of desktop computers are infected with a virus called Windows.'

Sir Fred - again!

“I have little hesitation in saying that a sickly pall now hangs over the big bang theory.”

Sir Fred Hoyle, - Astronomer, Cosmologist, and Mathematician, Cambridge University.


1975 brought the first real referendum in British politics. Polls in 1973 prior to this had shown significant British antipathy towards entry to the Common Market. It seems likely that two voters in three (or thereabouts) were against entry.
Against this democratic backcloth, Liar Heath took us into his pet project. The following year, he lost a General Election and many pointed at reasons other than this slap in the public's face for his defeat. They may well be wrong - at least in part.
Wilson had cleverly promised the 1975 referendum on leaving the Common Market.
As a committed europhile himself, this was clearly a tool to win power and that just left him the difficult task of winning a referendum vote which at times seemed impossible.
The major parties united and it was only the left and right who were against.
I fell for the propaganda and thought "We are in - we might as well stay in, I suppose" - which was arguably the worst mistake made in my life.
But here is where it all gets rather interesting. There is a conspiracy theory which suggests that the vote was rigged.
Okay - the 'Yes' side had all the media coverage and the government backing and certainly, all the cash - but there is a suggestion that there was more to it than europhile, Irish Government tactics.
For the only time in British political history - the votes were not tallied locally but were taken away to London and there was a delay in announcing the result.
We must ask why! Perhaps we should ask our old friend Robert Mugabe how he would have won a seemingly impossible vote.
Do I believe that it was rigged? - In all honesty - probably not, but there are times-a-many when I do seriously wonder.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What? - The earth NOT billions of years old?

“The best physical evidence that the earth is young is the dwindling resource that evolutionists refuse to admit is dwindling ... the magnetic energy in the field of the earth’s dipole magnet ... To deny that it is a dwindling resource is phoney science.”

Thomas Barnes, - Ph.D., Physicist

Forget democracy!

I see that in Ireland, voters will have to vote on exactly the same text as last time when they are iniquitously forced to vote again on October the 2nd where a clear, democratic result had already been achieved.
This is in spite of the promises made by the Irish government that they would be voting on something which was not the same.
Europhiles in every government put the interests of Brussels ahead of the interests of their own peoples.
They should be ashamed!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Big Brother.

Big Brother: Watching other people's lives because you don't have one!

Well, it might have worked!

John Wilkins, a British inventor, drew up plans in the 1640s to send a manned wooden 'chariot' to the Moon propelled by gunpowder, feather wings and springs.
Convinced the Moon was inhabited by a race of people called the Selenites, he was determined to visit them to set up trade links.

Hmm. Can never be proved but we must believe it, eh?

“The pathetic thing is that we have scientists who are trying to prove evolution, which no scientist can ever prove.”

Dr. Robert Millikan, - Nobel Prize Winner and Eminent Evolutionist

Forcing Christians to lie?

'A doctor has been removed from an adoption panel because she refuses to endorse applications by homosexual couples. [Even though she has recused herself from decision-making in the handful of cases where such adoptions are being considered - so where is the problem?]
Dr Sheila Matthews, who is a Christian, was told that her beliefs on gay adoption were incompatible with equality legislation and council policies.
The paediatrician had asked to be allowed to abstain from all voting in cases involving same-sex couples.'

1] Such adoptions are wrong.
2] Even if you consider them to be right, to treat this doctor's conscience as being of no worth, makes the authorities wrong anyway.
Northamptonshire County Council wins a LoonyTunesWatch coconut.

I know that many Christians will want to be on such panels. Are they to be forced to be 'economical with the truth'?

Should they be?

Situation ethics?

We are talking about the lives of youngsters compared to a 'white lie'. Can Christians ever tell untruths in righteousness?

I don't know. I do not pretend to although I am always profoundly suspicious of 'The end justifies the means' philosophies.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Need a good evangelical church in Sheffield?



“When I make an incision with my scalpel, I see organs of such intricacy that there simply hasn’t been enough time for natural evolutionary processes to have developed them.”

C. Everett Koop, - Former US Surgeon General

Fusion mislaid?

Nuclear fission - atom-splitting - is a fairly dangerous procedure.
Nuclear fusion - the joining together of atoms to create energy - is apparently not.
For years we have been promised nuclear fusion - particularly cold fusion - as the panacea to all our energy problems and needs as a planet.
Okay. So where is it?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ephesians 1:2.

Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.

Posturing, pouting, Ponting.

Honestly. What is the matter with the man? He was wrongly given out, caught, yesterday. Fine. But he if he hadn't hit the ball, he was clearly out LBW in any case.

What a misery guts!

RIP, Harry.

On July the 13th ...

On the 13th of July I invented a most realistic scenario about 'burglar Jimmy Bloggs' and the several thousand offences he is simply unable to commit if locked away for five years.
Further to that, if he is a druggie - which he may well be - the estimate for offences committed is very much on the low side. The scenario is far from uncommon.
But let us stick around 2,000 as a working total.
In any home the average number of occupants is above two, so his acts will have affected well over 4,000 people a large proportion of whom will have been aged, infirm, disabled. Moreover, in the single dwelling homes even more than the others, there will be a significant proportion who will feel unable to remain in that house and will choose to move.
In all cases: the householders feel violated; it causes massive inconvenience; it means inviting police all over your property and the victim will have to spend considerable amounts of time getting back to normal.
In most cases: it may affect future insurance cover; may require a variety of workmen onsite to repair damage and possibly to change locks; it causes endless paperwork and may well take months to settle down.
Householders feel obliged to spend their hard-earned cash on security systems.
It is little better in the case of non domestic crimes where it may be the final straw for some businesses working on the edge of a precipice and will often be a direct cause of unemployment.

I am not sorry! Bloggs should be facing an extremely heavy sentence in the region of ten to twenty years.
Ordinary people deserve the protection - his interests are trivial in the larger picture.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hark, hark!

I must draw you attention to an excellent article on the decline of birds in our countryside by the irrascible Robin Page who majors on the tragic loss of skylarks.
Please note his comments on magpies which give good reason for their massive increase, although I believe that his estimate of 600,000 pairs currently is a woeful underestimate.

People are mildly amused and consider me a tad eccentric when I go on and on about the wretched magpie but this is a serious issue and these appalling creatures are part of a major problem which is wrecking our songbird population.
There are four major points to be raised:
1} Where are the Greens when you really need them? - They are twittering about leftwing issues, unproven science and capitalist wickedness.
2} The weak-willed, the soft and the terminally tender-hearted must accept a large proportion of the blame for not permitting proper 'management' of our wildlife.
3} The RSPB has weakened and lost the plot.
4} Destruction of habitats and use of pesticides are heavily criticised by the more 'right on' bird lovers and, to be fair, they are not wrong. However, their emphasis is wrong.

****** Recommended site:

After all the madness, I can still be stunned!

'Witches, druids and followers of the Norse gods in police forces throughout the country have persuaded the Home Office to let them set up a support group.
The Pagan Police Association will help officers who cast spells and join midnight rituals to fit their beliefs around their police work.'

Please arrange correctly: "taken the asylum the have lunatics over"

A clear admission.

“We have to admit that there is nothing in the geological records that runs contrary to the views of conservative creationists.”

Edmund Ambrose, - [Evolutionist]

Sandhurst's shame.

'The senior chaplain at Sandhurst military academy has dropped the Apostles' Creed from Anglican services saying it might offend religious minorities.
The Daily Mail reported on 31st January that centuries of religious tradition have been sacrificed for the sake of political correctness.
Reverend Jonathan Gough dropped the Christian declaration of faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit when he took office last month.
A fellow Chaplain said it had been removed 'to stop upsetting cadets who do not believe in God'. This is despite the fact that attendance is not compulsory. Non-believing Sandhurst cadets can and do opt out of church.'

In the words of Al Murray - "Sandhurst, SHAME on you! Jonathan Gough, SHAME on you!"
[You are hereby awarded a LoonyTunesWatch coconut!]

Information taken from Christian Voice. [Recommended website.]

TWOCers - introduce fear!

Last night I watched Traffic Cops from Humberside and my heart went out to the police drivers.
Their faces and guarded comments said it all. The rules on pursuits have now gone from being lax and casual in the extreme to them ridiculously, often not being allowed to pursue at all!
Worse than this was their desperation when talking about how 'the system' deals with the conscience-free, adrenaline junkies they catch time after time and who are released time after time to offend and endanger innocent lives again and again.
Children as young as 11 are stealing cars and risking the lives of law-abiding people. To the do-gooders of course, they are misunderstood.
Their overweening arrogance at point of arrest could never have happened in the days of corporal punishment. I accept that this will never happen again and so we must work to bring about a Campaign for Real Sentencing.
There must be rigorous punishments; there must be real FEAR in these youngsters of what will happen if caught.
Bring back borstals; bring back approved schools.
For those over 16 - a five year mandatory, minimum sentence must be put in place for all drivers who engage in any police chases and two years for stealing a car; three years for burning one at the end of ' a good evening out'.
Being carried in a TWOCed vehicle must carry custody - every time! Youngsters will not be permitted to claim 'I didn't know it had been nicked' - it must be their responsibility to find out.
Our society does not need this epidemic. It can be cured - all that is needed is the political will to protect the public rather than the youthful thugs and chavs.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Magistrates and judges are restricted in sentencing because of a principle which is a rather peculiar one - and one not known about by most of the general public.
Let us say that somebody has been convicted of: a motoring insurance offence, an MOT offence, licence offences, having a car in an unroadworthy condition and, for the sake of argument, a further half a dozen offences to cap it all off.

Phew. That little lot should tot up to quite a sentence, wouldn't you say?

Well, it doesn't! It cannot because of 'totality' which means that an overview must be taken and in effect, the only offence punished will be the most serious one and all others will receive an NSP - No Separate Penalty. So in this case, only the insurance matter will be punished and all the others will be ignored.
When I was on the Bench, I always tried to insist that the insurance offence would be punished at the higher end of the scale under such circumstances - but there were restrictions on that too!
If the offender is on a relatively low income, they would get points on the licence and a pretty small fine.
It also means of course, that somebody with a single insurance offence and no others will be sentenced identically to a thorough rogue - and that ain't justice!
Do not blame magistrates for appalling sentencing practices - quite often, indeed most of the time, their hands are tied.

John Hind.

The Bishop of Chichester has spoken of how Church teaching is being corrupted, likening it to a soup recipe which is changed little by little. Very few people notice and eventually it contains none of the original ingredients, yet goes under the same name!

Well. In these matters I'm a gourmet and so are many of my Christian friends and colleagues! [Good call, Bish!]

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Global what?

Last Saturday was our school's Summer Fayre and naturally, we were very concerned about the weather in the runup to the event.
I went to the BBC weather site and five days before, it forecast heavy rain. The following day it also predicted heavy rain. With three days to go, it was light rain. By the Thursday, it was telling us that the weather would be rain-free. The day before and heavy rain was back on the agenda.
Very early on the Saturday it was to be light rain from 1pm.
IT WAS DRY ALL DAY. There was some late evening rain!

And we are told that scientists can predict global warming years down the line?

Professor Dawkins - again.

It is old. It is misleading. It is blatant propaganda to an atheistic and evolutionary cause.
It is also extremely disturbing that a series of lectures by Richard Dawkins, Growing up in the Universe has suddenly arrived in our school - unsolicited.
[Remember Dawkins - the vile extremist who has made positive remarks about eugenics and has also suggested that children of Christian parents should be removed from such homes? Remember too, the Dawkins who skulks and hides rather than debate openly with scientists who do not share his evolutionist views?]

His Royal Institution Christmas Lectures for Children apparently did not do sufficient damage back in 1991 so they have been re-released and turned into a freebie.
Cunningly sent towards the end of the Summer Term, it will clearly be shown willy-nilly to all sorts of classes throughout the nation because teaching in the last week is very difficult and 'popping on a DVD' is not!
PLEASE. Follow theses two links - especially the clip at the bottom of the page on the second one.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...