Saturday, July 11, 2009


Tory duplicity over the EU has never failed to amaze. From the Macmillan Cabinet suppressing news of its Common Market intentions; Heath's lies between 1973-5; their sacking Thatcher for being out of step on the EC; Major endorsing the Maastricht Treaty whilst 'speaking with forked tongue'; Hague's absurd, fence-sitting slogan - they have invariably supported Brussels ahead of our people.
Cameron is one more on a growing list. His 'promised' referendum on The Lisbon Treaty is an exercise in 'smoke and mirrors'. He knows full well that it will be endorsed before he gets the chance to implement the promise!


Nicky Gumbel, Matt Redman to join 25-hour global Christian event. David Goodwin    21 December 2024. (Photo: Merge PR) A global Christian ev...