Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hubris rules!

I am a firm believer in logic. If you want to argue with me - then do so logically or I have little interest in what you have to say.
Let us follow one line of flawed logic in a vein which is increasingly popular today.

'I do not like what God teaches about X, Y or Z ergo, God does not exist.'

The key word, in what may dubiously be called an argument, is "I".
The declaimer of this thesis has arbitrarily 'abolished The Almighty' and has done so purely on his/her own authority - which some may regard as a teenyweeny bit arrogant.
Attempts to deny the existence of God because of the nature of God are just plain silly.
How can a simple, human view of any issue stand up against the stance of an omnipotent, omniscient Being? Is it not just possible that God might have a more complete overview?
Now this is no proof whatsoever as to the existence of God - that only comes by 'seeking to find' - but it does show up the poverty of what is rapidly becoming the most popular argument of them all amongst modern day atheists.
Apologies for the American spellling on the Tee Shirt - but the point is still a good 'un, even so.
