Sunday, January 03, 2010

Why do they get so angry?

A friend has pointed out to me something about the bulk of lefties which I suppose I had always known but never quite managed to put into a clear, single thought.
Why do so many get so ruddy angry when you present an argument which contradicts their thinking? His experience certainly mirrored my own.
There are exceptions, of course, but as a principle it seems that their thinking may not be challenged; debate is out of the question. This cuts across so many of the areas which I write about on here and certainly includes the dyed-in-the-wool evolutionist, atheists and 'warmists'.

I for one, am always prepared to debate in order to get my point across. I know that I cannot win arguments by shouting, waving my hands around, insulting and going purple in the face - why should they?
I may possibly understand if a hindu for example, does not want to debate the merits or otherwise of a deeply held belief system. It may seem kind of blasphemous to do so, I suppose.
Surely this cannot apply in the political field - can it? Are leftwing ideals in fact a kind of sublimated religious belief? - Surely they cannot be the 'very core of being' - can they?
This would explain a great deal. When I see so much absence of logic, so much downright stupidity and so many appalling outcomes defended as if Holy Writ - there has to be some explanation.
