Tuesday, January 12, 2010

L & O.

Law & Order UK on ITV is taking rather too many liberties with dramatic effect.
Since when have the overworked CPS actually joined in actual investigations?

It gets worse as yet again, we see TV portraying Christians in a negative light.
The storyline was that a Bible-believing Christian officer allowed his colleague to bleed to death because the man was homosexual.
This is anti-Christian propaganda of the very worst (and what's more, the naughty PC got away with it!)
Where are the Church leaders kicking up a fuss in the face of such monstrosities?
Such storylines today are perhaps the only place where countless millions gain any knowledge at all of what Christianity is about after the terrible failures in our school system.

Little wonder so few have a positive view of Jesus.

Ebrahim Raisi's Death.

 Act of God?