Friday, January 08, 2010

Wanna know what's wrong with our society?

Read the piece and then decide whether this would have happened if this odious little scrote had received 'six of the best' after his first 'kicking over the traces' incident.

'A boy of ten who stabbed one teacher in the chest with a pencil and attacked two others has been let off with a warning. The teacher needed hospital treatment for a puncture wound after the boy, who cannot be named, attacked him at a primary school last term. After lashing out and 'donkey kicking' a female member of staff on the leg, the male teacher stepped in and tried to calm the youngster down but was stabbed.The boy, who escaped prosecution and was given a formal warning by police, had previously been reprimanded for another kicking attack on a second female teacher.'

Thanks are due entirely to the liberal left who worked so tirelessly and irresponsibly to get corporal punishment in schools abolished and prepare the ground for such social breakdown.
This daily kind of event in so many of our schools today was simply unknown during my childhood. Consider too the effect that one caning would have had on all the other children on the borderline!

Fear has been removed from the equation. It must return!

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