Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sickening hypocrisy. Yuk!

Involved as I am in a Christian school, I have little knowledge of the workings of actual Church Schools but I find this piece from Julia Llewellyn most interesting:

'The church was packed, the guests all in their finery. The baby, adorable in an antique christening robe, lay asleep in his mother's arms. The vicar sprinkled water over his forehead. The godparents renounced the Devil. The congregation said the Lord's Prayer. A Christening should be an occasion filled emotion. So why was my reaction to attending this - and many others like it, in recent years - not one of joy but of profound distaste? Controversial choice: David and Louise Milliband send their son, 5, to a sought after Church of England school The answer lies in what the baby's mother, in designer outfit, told me over her third glass of champagne. 'Of course, this is the most ludicrous pantomime. I'm the most vocal atheist imaginable. But who cares? Our son's place at the church school is guaranteed. This Christening will save us hundreds of thousands of pounds.'
